Could it really be that simple?

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So President Trump gave his State of the United Speech last night (Tuesday). I'm not here to talk about that in this political blog post.
I'm not even here to talk about the Democrat Party response which was presented by Stacey Abrams of Georgia. (Although, I may talk about that in the very near future.)
What I am here to talk about is the mindset of the Democrat Party.
The Democrats say all of these bad and negative things about President Trump (some of which are likely made-up and untrue to put it moderately), but they couldn't say these things before he decided to run for President in 2015.
Sounds hypocritical doesn't it?
It does.
If Trump was such a bad person, why say all of these things when he officially decided to oppose the Democrat Party?
Why not say these "bad" things before he even decided to run?
Because he wasn't a "threat" to their agenda and it wasn't "official" yet?
Even that seems hypocritical by the "official" part.
Not just by Democrats on that specific issue. But by a lot of people who assume things are going to happen one way and it ends up turning out a completely different way.
The truth is, Donald Trump was talking about politics on social media a little while before he even decided to run for President.
And many people were clearly not aware of Donald Trump a few years before he decided to declare a run for the White House.
Again, not just Democrats who weren't aware.
The social media Donald Trump.
Can you imagine what the next Republican or any anti-Democrat is going to face in the near and long-distant political future?
What is that going to look like?
The reality is, the Democrats have a different standard than everybody else.
It doesn't matter if you are Republican, Independent or anything else besides being a Democrat.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Democrats didn't feel any guilt about having their hypocrisy exposed to them.
And exposed to them directly.
Because, the truth is, many Democrats simply don't want to look at the facts more in depth.
They read a headline from a supposedly "news" story and almost automatically believe it if it makes them feel good.
The Democrats dig a shallow grave. The Republicans dig a much deeper grave. And anyone in between the Democrat and Republican Party ideologies dig a grave somewhere in the middle of those two depths.
And the Democrats really are a one-trick pony.
You either agree with them or you don't agree with them.
There is no middle ground.
The last sentence on the other side of these many dots you see above brings me to my next point.
There is no middle ground with the Democrat Party and even the "Fake News" media.
The "Fake News" media "reports" on whatever they report and you are supposed to believe them and assume they are telling you the truth.
My opinion is, you should question it.
You should test if what they are telling you is right and truthful.
Often times, whatever the "Fake News" media reports is 180 degrees from the truth.
In other words, the total exact opposite of the truth.
So if I assume everything is 180 degrees away from whatever the "Fake News" media says is true, I should interpret that as truth?
Yes, you should. But more importantly, you should test and question what people tell you as the truth.
The truth will always come into the light. So pursue that.
Could it really be that simple?
The Democrat Party tells us that they are the political party of tolerance.
Then why don't they back it up?
They don't back it up.
If they did, the $5.7 billion for Trump's border wall would have been paid for by now.
That is just one example of many in how the Democrats are not tolerant of anything but their own ideas.
And I predict the government is going to be shut down again on February 15th, 2019.
If you have a government job, just go get a job in the private sector.
And quit your government job.
If the Democrats were truly the political party of tolerance, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and everybody else still left could come to a middle ground on any political issue.
I don't hear Democrats saying "we will give Republicans funding for the border wall if you will give us $5.7 billion of something else immediately or over a period of months or years or in the year (insert year here)."
I don't hear that at all.
It would be great if everybody could hear ideas from everybody about how to make the United States and the world a safer and better place to live.
It would be great if we could come to a meaningful compromise again. But that seems unlikely to happen. Because there are polarizing viewpoints.
It will be great when truth reigns again.
And there is no middle ground.
There aren't three choices.
Only two.
Could it really be that simple?