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Jeb Bush and Ben Carson's Twitter followers are being purged

(Photo credits: Jeb Bush, Wikipedia; Ben Carson, Wikipedia; Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey; Lucas Jackson/Reuters (

Jeb Bush (@JebBush) and Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) have lost Twitter followers every time I have checked in nearly the past year.

It has actually been over a year for Bush and we are nearing a full year for Carson.

As of September 28th, Bush lost 2,291 Twitter followers since August 28th.

Carson on the other hand, lost even more on his @RealBenCarson account. He has lost 4,958 Twitter followers between August 28th and September 28th on his @RealBenCarson Twitter account.

He has gained 2,682 Twitter followers on his @SecretaryCarson Twitter account. But that is still a net value of negative Twitter followers (2,276) for Ben Carson.

Kanye West has lost 13,921 Twitter followers between August 28th and September 28th.

As of this story, Bush at one point on September 28th had 1,410,186 Twitter followers. Carson at one point on September 28th had 2,475,388 Twitter followers on his @RealBenCarson Twitter account.

So to say Carson lost more Twitter followers than Bush makes sense. Carson has more Twitter followers, so he should lose more Twitter followers.

Between July 28th and August 28th, Bush lost 1,896 Twitter followers. Carson lost 5,386 Twitter followers.

And between June 28th and July 28th, Bush lost 1,280 Twitter followers. Carson lost 4,161 Twitter followers.

Since October 17th, 2018, Ben Carson has lost Twitter followers every time I have checked to see if he gained or lost Twitter followers on his @RealBenCarson account. Meaning that he last gained Twitter followers (24,726) between September 19th and October 17th, 2018.

I have kept track of Ben Carson's (@RealBenCarson) Twitter followers (since May 17th, 2018), and I have only seen him gain Twitter followers once.

Since September 19th, 2018, Jeb Bush has lost Twitter followers every time I have checked to see if he gained or lost Twitter followers. Meaning that he last gained Twitter followers between August 18th and September 19th, 2018, barely. He gained just 534 Twitter followers.

In fact, for as long as I have kept track of Jeb Bush's Twitter followers (since May 17th, 2018), I have only seen him gain Twitter followers once.

To be fully transparent, I didn't keep track of Bush or Carson's Twitter followers in July 2018, November 2018 or anytime between December 19th, 2018 and June 28th, 2019.

As of September 28th, since May 17th, 2018, Bush has lost 61,687 Twitter followers while Carson (@RealBenCarson) has lost 207,888 Twitter followers. Kanye West has gained 870,374 Twitter followers in that timeframe.

But if you see what has happened in the last three months, the censorship is undeniable.

Between June 28th and September 28th, Bush has lost 5,467 Twitter followers while Carson (@RealBenCarson) has lost 14,505 Twitter followers. Kanye West has lost 67,692 Twitter followers.

Kanye West has a lot more Twitter followers than Jeb Bush and Ben Carson. He shouldn't be losing more than them.

But he is.

Honestly, Kanye West is actually probably more censored than Bush or Carson.

Meanwhile, in the last three months, not one of the Democrat Party presidential candidates who have participated in at least two debates (meaning everyone except Steve Bullock) have lost any Twitter followers when combining all of their one or two verified Twitter accounts together.

Joe Biden's Archived @VP44 Twitter account has lost 15,237 Twitter followers and John Delaney's archived @RepJohnDelaney Twitter account has lost 263 Twitter followers within the last three months.

But that's it.

But those are archived accounts. They aren't active. Which means it is expected that some people are going to "unfollow" those accounts.

And like within the last three months, between August 28th and September 28th, not one of the Democrat Party presidential candidates who have been on the debate stage at least twice (meaning everyone except Steve Bullock) have lost any Twitter followers when combining their verified Twitter accounts.

Between August 28th and September 28th, Biden's archived account lost 5,319 Twitter followers while Delaney's archived account lost 80 followers. Beto O'Rourke's (@RepBetoORourke) Twitter account has lost 75 followers while Bill de Blasio's (@NYCMayor) account has lost 250 followers.

Could it be possible that Joe Biden is, in fact, unpopular?

But how many Twitter followers does a person with over one million Twitter followers need to lose to say that Bush and Carson's followers are being throttled?

Meaning that Bush and Carson aren't getting any "new" legitimate Twitter followers (which are real people) and not the illegitimate Twitter followers who are bots and fake accounts.

That's a good question and an answer that almost nobody probably knows the answer to except for the people who work for Twitter.

Bush and Carson's Twitter followers likely have been purged. Meaning that Twitter won't say or show that more people are following Bush and Carson.

And it has been said by many people that Twitter is interfering with your own individual Twitter account by unfollowing certain people or accounts that you have followed for you (without your permission). But Twitter makes it so that you can't tell that they are unfollowing people for you when you go to a person's account who you think Twitter may have unfollowed for you.

So they (Twitter) can give you the information that they want you to see. Not what you want to see. (That's called brainwashing and censorship.)

I guess it's still possible that people are "unfollowing" Bush and Carson, but it's getting to the point where I basically don't believe people are unfollowing them anymore.

No "new" people seem to be following them anymore, which means Jeb Bush and Ben Carson's Tweets (to the public) are being censored by Twitter.

And if "new" people are following Jeb Bush and Ben Carson, that means longtime Twitter followers are unfollowing them and it's just a cyclical, recycling, in a circle process.

But I would think that if Jeb Bush and Ben Carson were becoming more and more popular, or perhaps very unpopular, they would be talked about everywhere.

And they would eventually be gaining more Twitter followers.

But they aren't talked about.

And they aren't gaining like any Twitter followers.

They are losing them.

At a rate, that I think is getting to the point that we need to be throwing up the red flag.

Like, wait a minute, that doesn't make sense.

And it's hard to know how many people follow or unfollow someone, especially when we get to this point where a person's Twitter account exceeds one million Twitter followers.

Not to mention, and this is pure speculation, Twitter could be manipulating the whole thing and could be editing or "publishing" how many Twitter followers are on any one person's Twitter page, and not really telling you the real number of how many people are actually following somebody on Twitter.

That is probably the case for President Trump's @realdonaldtrump Twitter account and at least a handful of influential Republicans who are his most ardent and fiercest supporters in Congress (and other politicians who don't work in Congress) and probably other well-known people, for example, Diamond and Silk.

Many conservatives and Republicans have said that President Trump is being censored on Twitter.

Many people have also said that a total number of "Likes", "Retweets" and from each individual's own Tweets of "Impressions" and "Total engagements" has gone down when certain messages from your Tweets are the truth and/or are negative or critical of the Democratic Party.

Or whatever message goes against the liberal left's agendas and goals of worldwide socialism, even though many conservatives have told leftists that socialism doesn't work and it is a failure.

It also doesn't make sense why Bush and Carson are losing Twitter followers other than the fact that they are Republicans and/or support President Trump's goals for the future of America.

Bush is probably for the most part being censored because of everything George W. Bush did as the 43rd President of the United States. And it's his brother, so they have to make Jeb pay for his brother's supposed crimes against humanity and bad behavior.

Bush being censored tells me the Democratic Party just doesn't want him to gain Twitter followers and stop whoever the Democratic Party candidate is running for President (or whatever political office it is), at any point in the future.

And Bush didn't officially endorse Trump for the Presidency in 2016. Which doesn't make sense why Twitter and the Democratic Party would censor people from following Jeb Bush at all.

Carson on the other hand, did endorse Donald Trump for President after dropping out of the presidential race.

So, of course, they have to censor him.

And he's a black man, so Twitter and the Democrats really have to make him pay.

Because, the Democrats think that all black people have to be Democrats, to go against white people, who are seen as the enemy.

But it's not like Ben Carson speaks out like Donald Trump does.

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