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Donald Trump has accepted more money in 2020 from Apple Inc. than any other Republican. Mr. Presiden

(Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States; Photo credit:

According to the Center for Responsive Politics ( website, based on data released by the FEC from 1990 through the 2018 election cycle, Hillary Clinton, a Democrat, has accepted $724,813 which is the most money a person has accepted from Apple Inc.

Barack Obama ($539,788), Bernie Sanders ($134,169) and Beto O’Rourke ($109,682) have also accepted over $100,000 from Apple Inc.

Chuck Schumer (D-NY) $79,951; Rob Portman (R-OH) $63,500; Paul Ryan (R-WI) $62,850; Kamala Harris (D-CA) $56,982; Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) $46,350 and JD Scholten (D-IA) $46,091 round out the top 10 people to accept money from Apple Inc.

There are 672 people who have accepted at least $1 from Apple Inc which has given Congressional and Presidential candidates $3,900,328 from 1990 through the 2018 election cycle.

During the 2020 election cycle, based on data released by the FEC on June 1st, 2020, Bernie Sanders ($397,326), Elizabeth Warren ($186,417) and Pete Buttigieg ($107,748) have all accepted over $100,000.

The remaining list of top 10 people to accept money from Apple Inc during the 2020 election cycle are all Democrats and they are: Joe Biden ($82,735), Andrew Yang ($59,164), Cory Booker ($32,479), Tulsi Gabbard ($30,412), Beto O’Rourke ($28,400), Josh Harder (D-CA) $24,306 and Kamala Harris ($24,208).

So the first 15 people during the 2020 election cycle after Bernie Sanders, an Independent from Vermont (who has participated in the 2016 and 2020 Democratic Party presidential debates), are all Democrats who have accepted a combined total of $705,842 from Apple.

Including Sanders, the top 16 people have accepted $1,103,168.

President Trump ($15,827) is ranked 17th overall during the 2020 election cycle and is ranked first among Republicans in accepting money from Apple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) $15,451 is next on the list followed by Alyse Galvin ($14,204), from Alaska, who is the highest ranking Independent not named Bernie Sanders to accept money during the 2020 election cycle.

The next Republicans on the list are Jason Smith (R-MO) and Matt Rosendale (R-MT) who are tied 35th overall and have each received just $5,600 during the 2020 election cycle.

Democrats have accepted $1,066,857 while Republicans have accepted just $56,120 during the 2020 election cycle.

Independents have accepted $412,822; Justin Amash (Libertarian-Michigan) has accepted $50 while third party candidates have accepted $22.

Apple has given $1,535,871 to candidates during the 2020 election cycle.

Here are the top 50 candidates to accept money from Apple Inc. during the 2020 election cycle:

Sanders, Bernie Candidate (I-VTS1) $397,326 Warren, Elizabeth Candidate (D-MAS1) $186,417 Buttigieg, Pete Candidate (D-PRES) $107,748 Biden, Joe Candidate (D-PRES) $82,735 Yang, Andrew Candidate (D-PRES) $59,164 Booker, Cory Candidate (D-NJS2) $32,479 Gabbard, Tulsi Candidate (D-HI02) $30,412 O'Rourke, Beto Candidate (D-PRES) $28,400 Harder, Josh Candidate (D-CA10) $24,306 Harris, Kamala Candidate (D-CAS1) $24,208 Scholten, JD Candidate (D-IA04) $24,070 McGrath, Amy Candidate (D-KYS1) $22,645 Omar, Ilhan Candidate (D-MN05) $22,309 Klobuchar, Amy Candidate (D-MNS2) $21,999 Golden, Jared Candidate (D-ME02) $21,509 Kelly, Mark Candidate (D-AZS1) $17,441 Trump, Donald Candidate (R-PRES) $15,827 Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria Candidate (D-NY14) $15,451 Galvin, Alyse Candidate (I-AK01) $14,204 Bush, Diane Mitsch Candidate (D-CO03) $12,366 Cox, TJ Candidate (D-CA21) $12,207 McNerney, Jerry Candidate (D-CA09) $12,200 Slotkin, Elissa Candidate (D-MI08) $12,100 Khanna, Ro Candidate (D-CA17) $10,825 Krishnamoorthi, Raja Candidate (D-IL08) $8,460

Harrison, Jaime Candidate (D-SCS2) $7,963 Cisneros, Jessica Candidate (D-TX28) $7,759 Gillibrand, Kirsten Candidate (D-NYS1) $7,394 Bullock, Steve Candidate (D-MTS2) $7,095 Castro, Julian Candidate (D-PRES) $6,954 Gideon, Sara Candidate (D-MES2) $6,831 Jones, Doug Candidate (D-ALS1) $6,622 Delgado, Antonio Candidate (D-NY19) $5,831 Lofgren, Zoe Candidate (D-CA19) $5,611 Smith, Jason Candidate (R-MO08) $5,600 Rosendale, Matt Candidate (R-MT01) $5,600 Kennedy, Brynne Candidate (D-CA04) $5,500 Cobb, Tedra Candidate (D-NY21) $5,383 Schiff, Adam Candidate (D-CA28) $5,304 Arballo, Phil Candidate (D-CA22) $5,134 Hickenlooper, John Candidate (D-COS2) $5,130 Taylor, Van Candidate (R-TX03) $5,000 Markey, Ed Candidate (D-MAS2) $4,915 Bera, Ami Candidate (D-CA07) $4,817 McCready, Dan Candidate (D-NC09) $4,500 Cunningham, Cal Candidate (D-NCS1) $4,473 Buttar, Shahid Candidate (D-CA12) $4,407 Kumar, Rishi Candidate (D-CA18) $4,200 Rashid, Qasim Candidate (D-VA01) $4,176 Uygur, Cenk Candidate (D-CA25) $3,825

The Republican Party has accepted just 3.65% of the money Apple has given to candidates in the 2020 election cycle while Democrats have accepted 69.46%.

Independents own 26.88%, with Bernie Sanders obviously owning most of that percentage (96.25%).

As of June 1st, 2020, Sanders currently owns 25.87% of the money Apple has given to all candidates during the 2020 election cycle.

There are 407 Democrats who have accepted money from Apple in 2020, 56 Republicans, 4 Independents, two third-party candidates and Justin Amash (Libertarian-MI).

There are 12 Republicans and 94 Democrats to accept at least $1,000 from Apple in 2020.

Devin Nunes (R-CA), who is suing Twitter last time I checked, has accepted $2,100 from Apple in 2020 and is ranked 75th overall.

I think Apple Inc. is a Big Tech company.

I would like to know from President Trump and Devin Nunes, why do you continue to accept money from Big Tech companies if they are just going to censor your voice?

Do you think, Apple Inc is just a business? If you, or any of your colleagues in politics think Apple Inc. is just a business, you are gravely mistaken.

It appears that Apple cares about advancing a Democratic Party political agenda more than they care about protecting Americans.

Attorney General William Barr said that Apple wouldn’t help the U.S. Department of Justice to unlock the iPhone of an Islamic terrorist who carried out an attack at a Pensacola, Florida, naval base last year.

But yet, Apple Inc. had no problem giving the U.S. Department of Justice (or whoever was supposed to receive it) Roger Stone’s iCloud data.

So Big Tech companies like Apple Inc. seem to care more about being in bed with and pleasing Islamic terrorists than Americans.

Or maybe the real hardcore truth about Apple and all of these Big Tech companies is that Barack Obama supports Islamic terrorists and to go against him at all for anything anymore would be a death sentence to making lots of money and implementing your goals of Democratic Party political agendas and every other political agenda you can think of until you are not offended, which I think is impossible because leftists will never be satisfied no matter how much you give them.

But even after you mention all of this to leftists, they still don’t think they are supporting Islamic terrorists because they (the leftists) aren’t the ones who physically look exactly like Islamic terrorists.

And leftists do basically everything else to aid and abet terrorists and all that is evil in this world.

American conservatives at this point will tell you that leftists probably hate American conservatives more than they hate Islamic terrorists.

Everyone knows Islamic terrorists hate America for simply being a Christian nation (since America is far from an Islamic nation).

Yet, America is becoming more and more evil by the day and is at best lukewarm in its morality and ethics and is getting further and further away from being a Christian nation (even though there are always going to be at least some great and good people in America).

For those of you who don’t know, when Roger Stone was arrested for his supposed “crimes”, it was early in the morning, which frankly, was totally unnecessary.

His arrest was done in a raid style only to give the Fake News Lamestream Media the narrative that they wanted and his house was surrounded by U.S. Law Enforcement because they (the Fake News media) really thought he was going to escape (he wasn’t going to escape) so the Fake News Lamestream Media could have some video to back up their claims that Stone really is a bad and supposedly evil person.

Stone from stories and comments I’ve read, doesn’t even own a firearm, but he very much supports the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Roger Stone STILL has done nothing wrong in terms of being an adviser for President Trump during his 2016 Presidential campaign.

Sure, Apple should retain some right for their clients’ privacy.

That is if Apple even cares anyway about conservatives, Republicans, Christians, Jews, truth-tellers and anyone who is against the Democratic Party’s ultimate goal of communism and socialism (which, by the way, is being led by international terrorist and former President of the United States’ Barack Obama.

I wonder how much power Valerie Jarrett, an unelected person, really had as one of Obama’s closest advisers during his presidency?)

Just curious, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Microsoft Corp, and every other social media platform out there, when is Barack Obama going to be banned for spreading hate, vitriol and definitely “inciting violence” by promoting it in real life, which very much goes against your Community Standards? Never?

If that’s the case, Obama will never be banned by social media companies and everyone who hates Obama needs to get on Parler, Gab and Telegram right now.

Don’t wait! Learn how to use those social media websites now, so you aren’t trying to figure it out in October when you are multitasking and trying to watch the Presidential debates and also learn what people are saying about that on Parler, Gab and Telegram.

That is, if there will be any Presidential debates by then or even if there will still be a free and non-authoritarian United States’ of America at that point.

Obama incited violence in real life on June 3rd when he said “I’m proud of you guys” to the ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter rioters who as Laura Loomer said on Telegram are “literally burning American cities to the ground.”

Loomer also said about Obama, “He is PROUD of rioters destroying businesses, looting, blocking traffic, killing police officers, and beating up White people in the street across America. His 8 years as President set our country back decades with regards to race relations.”

And of course, all of this was said in response to George Floyd’s death.

Or can Obama only get banned from social media platforms for actually posting on those platforms or actually writing out things on those platforms that do spread hate, vitriol and “inciting violence”?

Yet Obama is so influential to leftists, liberals and Democrats everywhere that he couldn’t just put out a Tweet, a Facebook post, or something else that would have said to stop the looting, arson and the violence?

Why did he wait until June 1st to tell people to stop the evil in a Medium post?

Why didn’t he share his thoughts when the looting, the shooting, the violence and the arson started to gain momentum in the month of May, days after George Floyd’s death?

The U.S. government really needs to get involved and arrest anyone aiding and abetting foreign and domestic terrorists such as Barack Obama, Barack’s friends, these domestic terrorists like Antifa and anyone funding Antifa to get out of jail on bond, in other words, celebrities who have lots of money (and the bond to get out of jail needs to be set much higher or they shouldn't be eligible to get out of jail on bond at all).

Laws at every level of government need to be passed wherever right now immediately to prevent people from losing their life, their property and their income just because of these Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters.

The U.S. Congress really needs to consider applying the Nuclear option when the U.S. House of Representatives, Senate and the Presidency are all under Republican control again.

But that isn’t going to work right now because the Democrats are in control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

I also think the U.S. government or at least state, regional or local governments should be doing something to at least control if not arrest all of these leftists (and the bond to get out of jail should be extremely high or they shouldn’t be eligible to get out of jail on bond either) who are demanding and harassing companies and businesses right now to change whatever it is that is “so offensive” to not offending black people (or whatever it is that they are offended by) with Cancel Culture in full swing mode right now as pro-conservative people, groups, companies and businesses have been caving to the illegal-immigrant-cheerleading, Islamic-terrorist-supporting, communist and socialist, leftist, liberal and Democrat Party’s demands.

Sorry if that is harsh, but that’s just the reality right now.

Leftists aren’t contributing to society when they aren’t physically doing something to help other people out who are in great need (and I’m not talking about helping people by just sitting behind a computer or giving a donation to a charity online) and are bitching and moaning about every little thing that is “so wrong” in this world according to them.

What is there that is still going to exist if everything has to change because leftists are so offended by everything? That’s what I would like to know.

Hillary Clinton ($724,813), Barack Obama ($539,788) and Bernie Sanders ($531,495) are the only three people to receive at least $500,000 from Apple in their entire history from 1990 through the current 2020 election cycle.

As an Independent candidate, Sanders has officially accepted $397,326 in 2020 and $3,773 in 2018 for a combined total of $401,099 and $130,396 as a Democrat in 2016.

Democrats Elizabeth Warren ($200,205), Beto O’Rourke ($138,082) and Pete Buttigieg ($107,748) have also received at least $100,000 from Apple in their entire history.

Joe Biden ($82,735), Kamala Harris ($81,190), Chuck Schumer ($79,951) and JD Scholten ($70,161) who are all Democrats have accepted at least $70,000 from Apple in their entire history.

Those ten people are the top people to accept money from Apple Inc. in their entire history.

The top Republicans to receive money from Apple are Rob Portman (R-OH) $63,500 (11th overall); Paul Ryan (R-WI) $62,850 (12th overall); Ron Paul (R-TX) $34,457 (24th overall); Mitt Romney (Republican U.S. Presidential candidate 2012) $32,564 (28th overall) and current President of the United States’ Donald Trump (Republican) $21,244 (38th overall).

Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) is ranked 53rd overall ($17,700) on the list of everybody (not just Republicans), Ted Cruz (R-TX) is 71st ($11,723), George W. Bush (43rd President of the United States) is 74th ($11,000), the late John McCain (R-AZ) is 76th ($10,350), Rand Paul (R-KY) is 85th ($9,648) and Matt Rosendale (R-MT) is 100th ($8,300).

The top 11 Republicans have accepted just $283,336 combined. Clinton, Obama and Sanders have each accepted more money from Apple alone than the top 11 Republicans combined and all the Republicans combined have.

From the top 100 people to accept money from Apple, there are 87 Democrats, two Independents (Bernie Sanders and Alyse Galvin) and just 11 Republicans.

Alyse Galvin (I-AK) is ranked 26th overall and has accepted $34,213.

The 89 non-Republicans have accepted $4,167,372 out of the $5,436,199 (76.66%) Apple has given to all Congressional and Presidential candidates in their entire history.

There are 959 people who have accepted money from Apple Inc. from 1990 through the 2020 election cycle. Of those, 781 are Democrats, 158 Republicans, eight third party candidates and eight Independent candidates, three Libertarians and one unknown.

From 1990 through the 2020 election cycle, there have been 1,122 Democrat candidates who have accepted money from Apple (with many of those repeats because they are the same person who participated in multiple election cycles), 198 Republicans (again repeats), nine third party and nine Independent candidates each (again repeats), five Libertarians (again repeats) and one unknown (not a repeat).

Democrats have accepted $4,566,711 from Apple in their entire history (84.01%) from 1990 through the current 2020 election cycle.

Republicans have accepted the second highest total ($433,750) which is 7.98% of the money Apple has given to all candidates.

Independents have accepted the third highest total ($417,509) which is 7.68% of the money Apple has given to all candidates.

Third Party candidates have accepted the fourth highest total ($9,980) at 0.18% while Libertarian Party candidates have accepted the fifth highest total ($8,239) at 0.15%. An unknown Party or candidate from 2018 has accepted $10.

Here is how much money Apple has given to candidates and the number of candidates in each election cycle from 1990 through 2020:

1990: $8,415 (9 candidates)

1992: $24,500 (16 candidates)

1994: $5,700 (10 candidates)

1996: $9,550 (15 candidates)

1998: $7,300 (6 candidates)

2000: $22,150 (17 candidates)

2002: $19,100 (16 candidates)

2004: $100,786 (28 candidates)

2006: $50,571 (40 candidates)

2008: $334,979 (43 candidates)

2010: No candidates accepted money from Apple Inc. supposedly because there was no data for that on

2012: $435,748 (61 candidates)

2014: $77,605 (58 candidates)

2016: $1,306,415 (150 candidates)

2018: $1,497,509 (405 candidates)

2020: $1,535,871 (470 candidates) as of June 1st, 2020

Do you still think Apple and many other Big Tech companies are not interfering in America’s elections to promote a pro-Democratic Party, communist, socialist, global New World Order agenda?

If you still think Big Tech companies are not interfering in America’s elections, what questions would you like answered and what else do I need to show you to convince you otherwise?

Here is a list of all the people who have accepted money from Apple in their entire history from 1990 through the 2020 election cycle (as of June 1st, 2020):

Clinton, Hillary (D) $724,813.00 Obama, Barack (D) $539,788.00 Sanders, Bernie (I-VT) $531,495.00 Warren, Elizabeth (D-MA) $200,205.00 O'Rourke, Beto (D-TX) $138,082.00 Buttigieg, Pete (D) $107,748.00 Biden, Joe (D) $82,735.00 Harris, Kamala (D-CA) $81,190.00 Schumer, Charles E (D-NY) $79,951.00 Scholten, JD (D-IA) $70,161.00 Portman, Rob (R-OH) $63,500.00 Ryan, Paul (R-WI) $62,850.00 Golden, Jared (D-ME) $61,762.00 Yang, Andrew (D) $59,571.00 Harder, Josh (D-CA) $57,861.00 Jones, Doug (D-AL) $52,164.00 Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA) $51,961.00 Kerry, John (D-MA) $43,464.00 Rosen, Jacky (D-NV) $41,801.00 King, Jess (D-PA) $41,179.00 Booker, Cory (D-NJ) $40,622.00 Heitkamp, Heidi (D-ND) $39,091.00 Bush, Diane Mitsch (D-CO) $36,844.00 Paul, Ron (R-TX) $34,457.00 McGrath, Amy (D-KY) $34,407.00 Galvin, Alyse (I-AK) $34,213.00 Gabbard, Tulsi (D-HI) $34,080.00 Romney, Mitt (R) $32,564.00 McCaskill, Claire (D-MO) $32,325.00 McNerney, Jerry (D-CA) $30,548.00 Omar, Ilhan (D-MN) $27,559.00 Morse, Jessica (D-CA) $26,657.00 Bera, Ami (D-CA) $24,267.00 Kaine, Tim (D-VA) $22,979.00 Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria (D-NY) $22,625.00 Klobuchar, Amy (D-MN) $22,155.00 Balter, Dana (D-NY) $21,915.00 Trump, Donald (-R) $21,244.00 Nelson, Bill (D-FL) $21,181.00 Sinema, Kyrsten (D-AZ) $20,650.00 Casey, Bob (D-PA) $20,590.00 McCormick, Karen (D-CO) $20,536.00 Mitrano, Tracy (D-NY) $20,238.00 Doyle, Marge (D-CA) $20,189.00 Gasper, Theresa (D-OH) $19,194.00 Feingold, Russ (D-WI) $19,005.00 Gillibrand, Kirsten (D-NY) $18,623.00 Khanna, Ro (D-CA) $18,553.00 Horton, Kyle (D-NC) $18,448.00 Bredesen, Philip (D-TN) $18,413.00 Eshoo, Anna (D-CA) $18,225.00 Ossoff, Jon (D-GA) $18,191.00 Mulvaney, Mick (R-SC) $17,700.00 Kelly, Mark (D-AZ) $17,441.00 Janz, Andrew (D-CA) $17,372.00 Holcombe, Jessica (D-CA) $15,866.00 Honda, Mike (D-CA) $15,390.00 Eggman, Michael (D-CA) $14,992.00 Espy, Mike (D-MS) $14,930.00 Baldwin, Tammy (D-WI) $14,870.00 Slotkin, Elissa (D-MI) $14,611.00 Krishnamoorthi, Raja (D-IL) $14,360.00 Cox, TJ (D-CA) $13,644.00 Hildebrandt, Madeline (D-NM) $13,425.00 Cobb, Tedra (D-NY) $13,033.00 Spencer, Paul (D-AR) $12,930.00 Hegar, MJ (D-TX) $12,406.00 Axne, Cindy (D-IA) $11,753.00 Palmer, Susan (D-OH) $11,746.00 Delgado, Antonio (D-NY) $11,736.00 Cruz, Ted (R-TX) $11,723.00 Ghorbani, Shireen (D-UT) $11,377.00 Long, Carolyn (D-WA) $11,178.00 Bush, George W (R) $11,000.00 Scott, George (D-PA) $10,539.00 McCain, John (R-AZ) $10,350.00 Franken, Al (D-MN) $10,180.00 Finkenauer, Abby (D-IA) $10,109.00 Ellison, Keith (D-MN) $10,009.00 Speier, Jackie (D-CA) $10,000.00 Edwards, Greg (D-PA) $9,986.00 Levin, Mike (D-CA) $9,846.00 Bourdeaux, Carolyn (D-GA) $9,825.00 Lee, Barbara (D-CA) $9,667.00 Paul, Rand (R-KY) $9,648.00 Watson, Liz (D-IN) $9,646.00 Boxer, Barbara (D-CA) $9,475.00 Bryce, Randy (D-WI) $9,465.00 Casten, Sean (D-IL) $9,321.00 McCready, Dan (D-NC) $9,242.00 Dean, Howard (D) $9,099.00 Moser, Laura (D-TX) $8,964.00 Porter, Katie (D-CA) $8,943.00 Corbin-Johnson, Shavonnia (D-PA) $8,771.00 Rouda, Harley (D-CA) $8,728.00 Torres, Norma (D-CA) $8,603.00 Underwood, Lauren A (D-IL) $8,569.00 Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA) $8,542.00 Hassan, Maggie (D-NH) $8,529.00 Rosendale, Matt (R-MT) $8,300.00 O'Connor, Danny (D-OH) $8,299.00 Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA) $8,226.00 Stein, Jill (3) $8,207.00 Leahy, Patrick (D-VT) $8,101.00 Duckworth, Tammy (D-IL) $8,056.00 Campbell, Tom (R-CA) $8,050.00 Harrison, Jaime (D-SC) $7,963.00 Cisneros, Jessica (D-TX) $7,759.00 Baer, Lauren (D-FL) $7,671.00 Stabenow, Debbie (D-MI) $7,651.00 Feehan, Daniel (D-MN) $7,462.00 Tester, Jon (D-MT) $7,425.00 Lamb, Conor (D-PA) $7,246.00 Bullock, Steve (D-MT) $7,095.00 Small, Xochitl Torres (D-NM) $7,041.00 Campbell, Foster (D-LA) $6,970.00 Hill, Katie (D-CA) $6,961.00 Castro, Julian (D) $6,954.00 Mucarsel-Powell, Debbie (D-FL) $6,900.00 Radinovich, Joe (D-MN) $6,896.00 Gideon, Sara (D-ME) $6,831.00 Edwards, John (D) $6,800.00 McGinty, Katie (D-PA) $6,773.00 Williams, Kathleen (D-MT) $6,739.00 Schrier, Kim (D-WA) $6,637.00 Davids, Sharice (D-KS) $6,541.00 Warner, Mark (D-VA) $6,510.00 Johnson, Gary (L) $6,489.00 Driskell, Gretchen (D-MI) $6,343.00 Tlaib, Rashida (D-MI) $6,285.00 Castor, Betty (D-FL) $6,249.00 Carlson, Kristen (D-FL) $6,152.00 Smith, Jason (R-MO) $6,100.00 Donnelly, Joe (D-IN) $6,040.00 Masto, Catherine Cortez (D-NV) $6,013.00 Jones, Gina (D-TX) $5,986.00 McBath, Lucy (D-GA) $5,949.00 Markey, Ed (D-MA) $5,946.00 Schiff, Adam (D-CA) $5,714.00 Jawando, Will (D-MD) $5,700.00 Welle, Josh (D-NJ) $5,675.00 Kennedy, Brynne (D-CA) $5,500.00 Lessig, Lawrence (D) $5,496.00 Baxter, Ralph (D-WV) $5,400.00 Bush, Jeb (R) $5,400.00 Koutoujian, Peter (D-MA) $5,200.00 Arballo, Phil (D-CA) $5,134.00 Hickenlooper, John (D-CO) $5,130.00 Londrigan, Betsy Dirksen (D-IL) $5,102.00 Hagan, Kay R (D-NC) $5,100.00 Shinagawa, Nathan (D-NY) $5,000.00 Taylor, Van (R-TX) $5,000.00 Schwartz, Allyson (D-PA) $4,750.00 Brownley, Julia (D-CA) $4,567.00 Ensign, John (R-NV) $4,500.00 Cunningham, Cal (D-NC) $4,473.00 Cockburn, Leslie (D-VA) $4,453.00 Clark, Wesley (D) $4,450.00 Ojeda, Richard (D-WV) $4,446.00 Trauner, Gary (D-WY) $4,446.00 Luria, Elaine (D-VA) $4,413.00 Buttar, Shahid (D-CA) $4,407.00 Stevens, Haley (D-MI) $4,312.00 Wu, David (D-OR) $4,300.00 Ross, Deborah (D-NC) $4,258.00 Kumar, Rishi (D-CA) $4,200.00 Rashid, Qasim (D-VA) $4,176.00 Clinton, Bill (D) $4,150.00 Kirkpatrick, Ann (D-AZ) $4,117.00 Campa-Najjar, Ammar (D-CA) $4,003.00 Spanberger, Abigail (D-VA) $3,967.00 Uygur, Cenk (D-CA) $3,825.00 Cantwell, Maria (D-WA) $3,804.00 Boroughs, Adair (D-SC) $3,800.00 Coleman, Linda (D-NC) $3,800.00 Hoeffel, Joseph M (D-PA) $3,750.00 Burner, Darcy (D-WA) $3,650.00 Davis, Wendy (D-TX) $3,582.00 Blake, Michael (D-NY) $3,475.00 Manchin, Joe (D-WV) $3,437.00 Fletcher, Lizzie (D-TX) $3,406.00 Inslee, Jay (D) $3,348.00 Williamson, Marianne (D) $3,343.00 Jones, Erik (D-IL) $3,275.00 Boustany, Charles Jr (R-LA) $3,250.00 Kelly, Mike (R-PA) $3,250.00 Smith, Christy (D-CA) $3,216.00 Parnell, Archie (D-SC) $3,150.00 Raybould, Jane (D-NE) $3,146.00 Nunes, Devin (R-CA) $3,100.00 Castro, Joaquin (D-TX) $3,015.00 Emanuel, Rahm (D-IL) $3,000.00 Richmond, Cedric (D-LA) $3,000.00 McSally, Martha (R-AZ) $2,995.00 Thompson, James (D-KS) $2,978.00 Kim, Andy (D-NJ) $2,961.00 Crowley, Joseph (D-NY) $2,950.00 Strickland, Ted (D-OH) $2,949.00 Denney, Audrey (D-CA) $2,877.00 James, John (R-MI) $2,825.00 Brown, Sherrod (D-OH) $2,823.00 Coleman, Kim (R-UT) $2,800.00 Mazo, Eugene (D-NJ) $2,800.00 Parnell, Sean (R-PA) $2,800.00 Raskin, Jamie (D-MD) $2,800.00 Van Duyne, Beth (R-TX) $2,800.00 Huerta, Emilio (D-CA) $2,796.00 Wu, Brianna (D-MA) $2,779.00 Warner, Russell (D-CA) $2,766.00 McCollum, Betty (D-MN) $2,750.00 Pureval, Aftab (D-OH) $2,729.00 Kim, Young (R-CA) $2,725.00 Romanoff, Andrew (D-CO) $2,724.00 Abboud, Deedra (D-AZ) $2,700.00 Braun, Mike (R-IN) $2,700.00 Ding, Eric (D-PA) $2,700.00 Lloyd, James (R-TX) $2,700.00 Morgan, Matt (D-MI) $2,700.00 Reddick, Rachel (D-PA) $2,700.00 Toomey, Pat (R-PA) $2,700.00 Williams, Clyde (D-NY) $2,700.00 Greenfield, Theresa (D-IA) $2,637.00 Schneider, Brad (D-IL) $2,622.00 Dodd, Chris (D-CT) $2,550.00 Novick, Steve (D-OR) $2,550.00 Pallone, Frank Jr (D-NJ) $2,547.00 Shaheen, Jeanne (D -NH) $2,531.00 Rapini, Dominic (R-CT) $2,525.00 Baucus, Max (D-MT) $2,500.00 Carson, Andre (D-IN) $2,500.00 Lampson, Nick (D-TX) $2,500.00 Liljenquist, Dan (R-UT) $2,500.00 Neumann, Mark W (R-WI) $2,500.00 Scow, Adam (D-CA) $2,500.00 Tillemann, Levi (D-CO) $2,500.00 Trivedi, Manan (D-PA) $2,500.00 Wingfield, Ethan (R-NC) $2,500.00 Brindisi, Anthony (D-NY) $2,421.00 Eastman, Kara (D-NE) $2,418.00 Kelly, Brendan (D-IL) $2,392.00 Cisneros, Gil (D-CA) $2,324.00 Lefavour, Nicole (D-ID) $2,320.00 Kennedy, Edward M (D-MA) $2,300.00 Eldridge, Sean (D-NY) $2,250.00 Pryor, Mark (D-Ark) $2,250.00 Siegel, Mike (D-TX) $2,244.00 Hartson, Alison (D-CA) $2,200.00 Scott, Rick (R-FL) $2,200.00 Murphy, Stephanie (D-FL) $2,185.00 Allred, Colin (D-TX) $2,171.00 Brown, Charles D (D-CA) $2,138.00 Kuster, Ann (D-NH) $2,117.00 Bateson, Regina (D-CA) $2,100.00 Pederson, Jim (D-AZ) $2,100.00 Rose, Max (D-NY) $2,094.00 Sherrill, Mikie (D-NJ) $2,085.00 Murphy, Christopher S (D-CT) $2,064.00 Bass, Karen (D-CA) $2,050.00 Heinrich, Martin (D-NM) $2,028.00 Bayh, Evan (D-IN) $2,025.00 Stefanik, Elise (R-NY) $2,020.00 Houlahan, Chrissy (D-PA) $2,018.00 Connolly, Gerry (D-VA) $2,017.00 Bean, Melissa (D-IL) $2,000.00 Carnahan, Jean (D-Mo) $2,000.00 Chin, Doug (D-HI) $2,000.00 Clayton, Taj (D-TX) $2,000.00 D'Amato, Alfonse M (R-NY) $2,000.00 Farrell, Diane Goss (D-CT) $2,000.00 Golding, Susan (R-CA) $2,000.00 Gomez, Jimmy (D-CA) $2,000.00 Hasner, Adam (R-FL) $2,000.00 Knight, Steve (R-CA) $2,000.00 Pingree, Chellie (D-ME) $2,000.00 Reid, Harry (D-NV) $2,000.00 Roberts, Shawna (D-OH) $2,000.00 Salazar, Maria (R-FL) $2,000.00 Tenenbaum, Inez (D-SC) $2,000.00 Wellstone, Paul (D-Minn) $2,000.00 McAdams, Ben (D-UT) $1,984.00 Soderberg, Nancy (D-FL) $1,981.00 Peters, Gary (D-MI) $1,962.00 Kopser, Joseph (D-TX) $1,931.00 Webb, Jim (D-VA) $1,900.00 Lee, Susie (D-NV) $1,887.00 Carson, Ben (R) $1,880.00 Alben, Alex (D-WA) $1,800.00 Fong, Matt (R-CA) $1,800.00 Giuliani, Rudolph W (R-NY) $1,750.00 McHenry, Patrick (R-NC) $1,750.00 Panetta, Jimmy (D-CA) $1,750.00 Sklar, Shane (D-TX) $1,750.00 Walters, Mimi (R-CA) $1,750.00 Newman, Marie (D-IL) $1,711.00 Oliver, Julie (D-TX) $1,694.00 Huckabee, Mike (R) $1,680.00 Quist, Robert E. (D-MT) $1,675.00 Hatfield, Mark O (R-OR) $1,665.00 McEnery, Tom (D-CA) $1,650.00 Gottheimer, Josh (D-NJ) $1,613.00 Craig, Angie (D-MN) $1,609.00 De Leon, Kevin (D-CA) $1,600.00 Gershon, Perry (D-NY) $1,581.00 Manning, Kathy (D-NC) $1,554.00 Bradley, Bill (D) $1,550.00 Lewis, John (D-GA) $1,538.00 Davis, Paul (D-KS) $1,528.00 Woodsmall, Steve (D-NC) $1,515.00 Gravel, Mike (D) $1,509.00 DePasquale, Eugene (D-PA) $1,506.00 Udall, Tom (D-NM) $1,506.00 DelBene, Suzan (D-WA) $1,501.00 Brady, Kevin (R-TX) $1,500.00 Byrd, Robert C (D-WV) $1,500.00 Campoverdi, Alejandra (D-CA) $1,500.00 Cramer, Kevin (R-ND) $1,500.00 Emmer, Tom (R-MN) $1,500.00 Gupta, Suneel (D-MI) $1,500.00 Hefley, Joel (R-CO) $1,500.00 Johnson, Mike (R-LA) $1,500.00 McCarthy, Cornelius P (D-NY) $1,500.00 Mineta, Norman Y (D-CA) $1,500.00 O'brien, David (D-IA) $1,500.00 Reynolds, Tom (R-NY) $1,500.00 Young, Todd (R-IN) $1,500.00 Hutcheson, Shannon (D-TX) $1,480.00 Murphy, Patrick (D-FL) $1,470.00 Phillips, Dean (D-MN) $1,470.00 Baer, Dan (D-CO) $1,453.00 Weld, William F (-R) $1,450.00 Freshour, Shannon (D-OH) $1,382.00 Bennet, Michael (D-CO) $1,337.00 Mowrer, Jim (D-IA) $1,312.00 Hawley, Josh (R-MO) $1,300.00 Malinowski, Tom (D-NJ) $1,269.00 Cardin, Ben (D-MD) $1,251.00 Cain, Herman (R) $1,250.00 Evans, Dwight (D-PA) $1,250.00 Gore, Al (D) $1,250.00 Kucinich, Dennis (D-OH) $1,250.00 LaHood, Darin (R-IL) $1,250.00 Martin, James Francis (D-GA) $1,250.00 McCaul, Michael (R-TX) $1,250.00 Renteria, Amanda (D-CA) $1,250.00 Steyer, Tom (D) $1,218.00 Kulkarni, Sri (D-TX) $1,204.00 Imam, Donna (D-TX) $1,165.00 Rubio, Marco (R-FL) $1,135.00 Fiorina, Carly (R) $1,125.00 Menendez, Robert (D-NJ) $1,101.00 Aguilar, Pete (D-CA) $1,085.00 Tomlinson, Teresa (D-GA) $1,085.00 Plame, Valerie (D-NM) $1,080.00 Smith, Tina (D-MN) $1,030.00 Owens, Doug (D-UT) $1,016.00 Harbaugh, Ken (D-OH) $1,006.00 Scanlon, Mary Gay (D-PA) $1,001.00 Alexander, Lamar (R) $1,000.00 Andal, Dean F (R-CA) $1,000.00 Berg, Rick (R-ND) $1,000.00 Biggs, Andy (R-AZ) $1,000.00 Bowman, Bob (D-FL) $1,000.00 Brooks, Susan (R-IN) $1,000.00 Chen, Jay (D-CA) $1,000.00 Cleland, Max (D-Ga) $1,000.00 Cook, Suzan Johnson (D-NY) $1,000.00 Cunneen, James F (R-CA) $1,000.00 Gamba, Mark (D-OR) $1,000.00 Gantt, Harvey B (D-NC) $1,000.00 Garcia, Anne (D-TX) $1,000.00 Haynes, Raymond Neal Jr (R-CA) $1,000.00 Holding, George (R-NC) $1,000.00 Kerr, Andy (D-CO) $1,000.00 Kerrey, Bob (D-NE) $1,000.00 Kilmer, Derek (D-WA) $1,000.00 Kirk, Ron (D-Texas) $1,000.00 Maloney, Jim (D-Conn) $1,000.00 Matsui, Robert T (D-CA) $1,000.00 Minnick, Walt (D-ID) $1,000.00 Morrison, Richard (D-TX) $1,000.00 Rehberg, Denny (R-MT) $1,000.00 Robinson, Carroll G (D-Texas) $1,000.00 Shipnuck, Barbara (D-CA) $1,000.00 Smith, Gordon H (R-OR) $1,000.00 Suozzi, Tom (D-NY) $1,000.00 Swanson, Victor (D-IL) $1,000.00 Timmons-Goodson, Patricia (D-NC) $1,000.00 Welder, Brent (D-KS) $1,000.00 Winfield, Richard (D-GA) $1,000.00 Zerban, Rob (D-WI) $1,000.00 Davidson, Rob (D-MI) $975.00 Caforio, Bryan (D-CA) $969.00 Horn, Kendra (D-OK) $961.00 Bollier, Barbara (D-KS) $958.00 Swalwell, Eric (D-CA) $958.00 Nolan, Thomas James (D-CA) $950.00 Santorum, Rick (R) $950.00 Pressley, Ayanna (D-MA) $934.00 Ryan, Tim (D-OH) $903.00 Kander, Jason (D-MO) $899.00 Derby, Jill T (D-NV) $888.00 Kilroy, Mary Jo (D-OH) $888.00 Murphy, Lois (D-PA) $888.00 Weaver, Kim (D-IA) $878.00 Wexton, Jennifer (D-VA) $876.00 Grayson, Alan (D-FL) $865.00 Trahan, Lori (D-MA) $846.00 Cunningham, Joe (D-SC) $823.00 Nygard, Dotty (D-CA) $815.00 McMullin, Evan (I) $812.00 Scalise, Steve (R-LA) $800.00 Shearer, Alaina (D-OH) $800.00 Ramirez, Cristina Tzintzun (D-TX) $795.00 Misso, Roger (D-NY) $785.00 Canova, Tim (I-FL) $782.00 Moulton, Seth (D-MA) $781.00 Crow, Jason (D-CO) $776.00 Kohl, Dan (D-WI) $776.00 Cooper, Scott (D-NC) $775.00 Begich, Mark (D-AK) $750.00 Carmona, Richard (D-AZ) $750.00 DeFazio, Peter (D-OR) $750.00 Helm, Travis (D-WY) $750.00 Jenkins, Lynn (R-KS) $750.00 Lawson, Stacey (D-CA) $750.00 Lieberman, Joe (D-CT) $750.00 Seals, Dan (D-IL) $750.00 Udall, Mark (D-CO) $750.00 Waxman, Henry (D-CA) $750.00 Tipirneni, Hiral (D-AZ) $735.00 Bustos, Cheri (D-IL) $727.00 Hayes, Jahana (D-CT) $724.00 Murray, Patty (D-WA) $718.00 Bonamici, Suzanne (D-OR) $717.00 Browne, Harry (L) $700.00 Carbajal, Salud (D-CA) $700.00 Handel, Karen (R-GA) $700.00 Hernandez, Jose M (D-CA) $700.00 Lee, Otto (D-CA) $700.00 Nolan, Rick (D-MN) $695.00 Matta, Tatiana (D-CA) $681.00 Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) $680.00 Wilkes, Mckayla (D-MD) $659.00 Zhao, Yukong (R-FL) $650.00 Bacelar, Agatha (I-CA) $647.00 Gross, Al (I-AK) $645.00 Hamadanchy, Kia (D-CA) $645.00 Merkley, Jeff (D-OR) $638.00 Sloan, Heidi (D-TX) $623.00 Tandon, Ritesh (R-CA) $601.00 Cabildo, Maria (D-CA) $600.00 Calone, David L (D-NY) $600.00 Ghebreghiorgis, Andom (D-NY) $600.00 Phoenix, Jess (D-CA) $600.00 Scheinberg, Aaron (D-WV) $600.00 Sergent, Talley (D-WV) $600.00 Bubser, Chris (D-CA) $575.00 Tucker, Clarke (D-AR) $572.00 Jaffe, Stephen (D-CA) $563.00 Keith, Pam (D-FL) $560.00 Bowman, Jamaal (D-NY) $557.00 Bonker, Don (D-WA) $550.00 Carr, Bob (D-MI) $550.00 Kleeb, Scott (D-NE) $550.00 Rader, Betsy (D-OH) $542.00 Harper, Morgan (D-OH) $529.00 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) $528.00 Byrne, Bradley (R-AL) $525.00 Ehr, Phil (D-FL) $525.00 Cardenas, Tony (D-CA) $517.00 Sestak, Joe (D-PA) $512.00 Kahele, Kai (D-HI) $505.00 Wild, Susan (D-PA) $505.00 Adler, Shelley (D-NJ) $500.00 Akaka, Daniel K (D-HI) $500.00 Armstrong, Kelly (R-ND) $500.00 Barber, Ron (D-AZ) $500.00 Boehner, John (R-OH) $500.00 Bornstein, Julie (D-CA) $500.00 Bowen, Debra (D-CA) $500.00 Buchanan, Pat (R) $500.00 Cline, Ben (R-VA) $500.00 Cuellar, Henry (D-TX) $500.00 Doggett, Lloyd (D-TX) $500.00 Domenici, Pete V (R-NM) $500.00 Ebel, Jon (D-IL) $500.00 Faso, John (R-NY) $500.00 Filson, Steve N (D-CA) $500.00 Frank, Barney (D-MA) $500.00 Fulani, Lenora B (D) $500.00 Gibbons, Mike (R-OH) $500.00 Gibson, Chris (R-NY) $500.00 Gray, Pat (3-CA) $500.00 Gunter, David (D-FL) $500.00 Hackett, Paul (D-OH) $500.00 Hagelin, John S (3) $500.00 Hayhurst, Tom (D-IN) $500.00 Heck, Dennis (D-WA) $500.00 Higgins, Clay (R-LA) $500.00 Hill, French (R-AR) $500.00 Hill, Terri (D-MD) $500.00 Johnson, Sam (R-TX) $500.00 Khojasteh, Ryan (D-CA) $500.00 Kim, Pearl (R-PA) $500.00 Koh, Dan (D-MA) $500.00 Kroeger, Gary (D-IA) $500.00 Lamont, Ned (D-CT) $500.00 Lazio, Rick A (R-NY) $500.00 Lewis, John (D-MT) $500.00 L'Italien, Barbara (D-MA) $500.00 Loudermilk, Barry (R-GA) $500.00 Malik, Anita (D-AZ) $500.00 McIntyre, Mike (D-NC) $500.00 Min, David (D-CA) $500.00 Nader, Ralph (3) $500.00 Payne, Rachel (D-CA) $500.00 Peacock, Julia (D-CA) $500.00 Pence, Mike (R-IN) $500.00 Putnam, Adam H (R-FL) $500.00 Ramirez, Tina (R-VA) $500.00 Reichert, Dave (R-WA) $500.00 Reschenthaler, Guy (R-PA) $500.00 Rogan, James E (R-CA) $500.00 Rothfus, Keith J (R-PA) $500.00 Royce, Ed (R-CA) $500.00 Sanchez, Linda (D-CA) $500.00 Singh, Vanila (R-CA) $500.00 Tucker, C Delores (D-PA) $500.00 Walorski, Jackie (R-IN) $500.00 Wertime, David (D-PA) $500.00 Warnock, Raphael (D-GA) $495.00 Collins, Joshua (D-WA) $478.00 Demaio, Carl (R-CA) $478.00 Mann, Christine (D-TX) $471.00 Walz, Tim (D-MN) $470.00 Morse, Alex (D-MA) $455.00 Boucher, Rick (D-VA) $450.00 Ford, Harold E Jr (D-TN) $450.00 Grimes, Alison (D-KY) $450.00 Hunter, Duncan D (R-CA) $450.00 Kennedy, Rick (D-TX) $448.00 Lujan, Ben Ray (R-NM) $409.00 Cox, Steven (D-KY) $401.00 Esty, Elizabeth (D-CT) $400.00 Johnson, Lon (D-MI) $400.00 Steele, Victoria (D-AZ) $400.00 Swearengin, Paula Jean (D-WV) $377.00 Cardnell, Elisa (D-TX) $375.00 Corey, Matthew (R-CT) $375.00 Mahony, Josh (D-AR) $355.00 Baria, David (D-MS) $351.00 McLeod-Skinner, Jamie (D-OR) $351.00 Horton, Frank (R-NY) $350.00 Haaland, Debra (D-NM) $348.00 Booker, Charles (D-KY) $340.00 Nadler, Jerrold (D-NY) $332.00 Patrick, Deval (D) $330.00 Matiella, Mary Sally (D-AZ) $313.00 Olson, Kim (D-TX) $304.00 Jayapal, Pramila (D-WA) $303.00 Bliatout, Bobby (D-CA) $301.00 Arnett, Dixon (R-CA) $300.00 Conkling, Gary Louis (D-OR) $300.00 Derrick, Mike (D-NY) $300.00 Noriega, Rick (D-TX) $300.00 Osborne, Curtis (D-NC) $300.00 Person, Francis J (D-SC) $300.00 Steele, Dayna (D-TX) $300.00 Witt, James Lee (D-AR) $300.00 Kind, Ron (D-WI) $290.00 Parson, Rebecca (D-WA) $290.00 Sites, Jeffrey (D-OH) $280.00 Ing, Kaniela (D-HI) $278.00 Frame, Sean (D-CA) $275.00 Cornyn, John (R-TX) $270.00 Shalala, Donna (D-FL) $267.00 Mackler, James (D-TN) $265.00 Al-Aqidi, Dalia (R-MN) $260.00 Bush, Cori (D-MO) $256.00 Blackburn, Marsha (R-TN) $255.00 Baldwin, Chuck (3) $250.00 Berkley, Shelley (D-NV) $250.00 Bingaman, Jeff (D-NM) $250.00 Braley, Bruce (D-IA) $250.00 Braun, Carol Moseley (D-IL) $250.00 Burghard, Duane Neil (D-MO) $250.00 Carroll, Morgan (D-CO) $250.00 Casey, Toni C (R-CA) $250.00 Choi, Jun (D-NJ) $250.00 Daschle, Tom (D-SD) $250.00 Deconcini, Dennis (D-AZ) $250.00 Dole, Bob (R-KS) $250.00 Dooley, Cal (D-Calif) $250.00 Edwards, Donna (D-MD) $250.00 Ferguson, Dana (D-MI) $250.00 Fitzsimmons, Joe (R-MI) $250.00 Foster, Bill (D-IL) $250.00 Foxx, Virginia (R-NC) $250.00 Gaetz, Matt (R-FL) $250.00 Gallagher, Mike (R-WI) $250.00 George, John (D-PA) $250.00 Goodrich, Grant (D-OH) $250.00 Gordon, Jacqueline (D-NY) $250.00 Graves, Jim (D-MN) $250.00 Haaf, Grace (D-IL) $250.00 Holt, Rush (D-NJ) $250.00 Hurd, Will (R-TX) $250.00 Isakson, Johnny (R-GA) $250.00 Johnson, Bill (R-OH) $250.00 Khazei, Alan (D-MA) $250.00 Kier, Grant (D-MT) $250.00 Landrieu, Mary L (D-LA) $250.00 Madden, Alice (D-CO) $250.00 Mills, Thomas (D-NC) $250.00 Mollohan, Alan B (D-WV) $250.00 Mongiardo, Daniel (D-KY) $250.00 Moolenaar, John (R-MI) $250.00 Murphy, Patrick J (D-PA) $250.00 Neal, Rick (D-OH) $250.00 Newhouse, Dan (R-WA) $250.00 Noem, Kristi (R-SD) $250.00 Nunn, Michelle (D-GA) $250.00 Radnofsky, Barbara Ann (D-TX) $250.00 Ratcliffe, John Lee (R-TX) $250.00 Reed, Tom (R-NY) $250.00 Renacci, Jim (R-OH) $250.00 Richardson, Bill (D) $250.00 Richardson, David (D-FL) $250.00 Roth, Toby (R-WI) $250.00 Santos, Manny (R-CT) $250.00 Searcy, Sam (D-NC) $250.00 Strouse, Kevin (D-PA) $250.00 Sullivan, Sue (D-NY) $250.00 Tauscher, Ellen (D-Calif) $250.00 Taylor, Scott (R-VA) $250.00 Tiberi, Pat (R-OH) $250.00 Walkinshaw, Brady (D-WA) $250.00 Wilson, Pete (R) $250.00 Zunker, Tricia (D-WI) $250.00 Ashcraft, Lauren (D-NY) $240.00 Barkley, Mike (D-CA) $240.00 Barragan, Nanette (D-CA) $236.00 Kennedy, Joe III (D-MA) $232.00 Brannon, Mary (D-OK) $225.00 Perelman, Jennifer (D-FL) $222.00 Nelson, Tom (D-WI) $219.00 Gomez, Georgette (D-CA) $215.00 Sweet, Betsy (D-ME) $208.00 Longjohn, Matt (D-MI) $206.00 Shkreli, Suzanna (D-MI) $205.00 Schatz, Brian (D-HI) $203.00 Amico, Sarah Riggs (D-GA) $200.00 Boylan, Lindsey (D-NY) $200.00 Bunkeddeko, Adem (D-NY) $200.00 Chang, Stanley (D-HI) $200.00 Christensen, Brent Martin (D-IL) $200.00 Criscenzo, Jeeni (D-CA) $200.00 Desaulnier, Mark (D-CA) $200.00 Dingell, Debbie (D-MI) $200.00 Eliason, Antonia (D-MS) $200.00 Forde, Brian (D-CA) $200.00 Johnston, Mike (D-CO) $200.00 Jones, Mondaire (D-NY) $200.00 Soria, Esmeralda (D-CA) $200.00 Trautwein, Steven B (R-PA) $200.00 Triantaphyllis, Alex (D-TX) $200.00 Hernandez, Sema (D-TX) $191.00 McMurray, Nate (D-NY) $187.00 London, Cat (D-ME) $176.00 Shapiro, David (D-FL) $174.00 DiNicola, Ron (D-PA) $172.00 Wyden, Ron (D-OR) $171.00 Wallace, Scott (D-PA) $166.00 Applegate, Douglas L (D-CA) $163.00 Clark, Anthony (D-IL) $162.00 Gleiberman, Ben (D) $156.00 Durbin, Dick (D-IL) $154.00 De La Isla, Michelle (D-KS) $150.00 DiMasi, Elaine (D-NY) $150.00 Frenette, Kyle (D-WI) $150.00 Peterson, Collin (D-MN) $150.00 Teachout, Zephyr (D-NY) $150.00 Shirley, Liuba Grechen (D-NY) $147.00 Clements, Paul (D-MI) $140.00 Anderson, Robert Jon (D-LA) $135.00 Lieberman, Matthew (D-GA) $135.00 Lopez, Samelys (D-NY) $135.00 Rezvani, Dary (D-CA) $135.00 Garcia, Lorena (D-CO) $130.00 Foxx, Rhonda (D-NC) $125.00 Lauf, Catalina (R-IL) $125.00 Hoyos, Renee (D-TN) $121.00 Cavell, Dave (D-MA) $120.00 Schupp, Jill (D-MO) $118.00 Gilbert, Hank (D-TX) $117.00 Greimel, Tim (D-MI) $110.00 Scholten, Hillary (D-MI) $110.00 Smith, Erica (D-NC) $106.00 Broihier, Michael (D-KY) $105.00 Garrett, Janet (D-OH) $105.00 Neumann, Cora (D-MT) $105.00 Fetterman, John (D-PA) $104.00 Gandhi, Pritesh (D-TX) $104.00 Caballero, Jose (D-CA) $102.00 Delaney, John K (D) $102.00 Rubando, Nick (D-OH) $101.00 Albro, Catherine (D-MI) $100.00 Colvin, Jesse (D-MD) $100.00 Crenshaw, Dan (R-TX) $100.00 Cunningham, William (D-NJ) $100.00 Curtis, Jon (D-TX) $100.00 Duffy, Sean P (R-WI) $100.00 Dunaway, Kelli (D-MO) $100.00 Friedenberg, Marc (D-PA) $100.00 Gardner, Cory (R-CO) $100.00 Gimenez, Carlos (R-FL) $100.00 Hanke, Eric (D-TX) $100.00 Huffstetler, Roger Dean (D-VA) $100.00 Jacobs, Sara (D-CA) $100.00 Khan, Badrun (D-NY) $100.00 Mohammad, Neill (D-IL) $100.00 Nystrom, Quinn (D-MN) $100.00 Patel, Sanjay (D-FL) $100.00 Seikaly, Helane (D-TX) $100.00 Torres, Ritchie (D-NY) $100.00 Wachspress, Debbie (D-PA) $100.00 Van Drew, Jeff (R-NJ) $98.00 Leger, Teresa (D-NM) $95.00 Lieu, Ted (D-CA) $95.00 Mueri, Hillary O'Connor (D-OH) $95.00 Graham, Kimberly (D-IA) $91.00 Islam, Nabilah (D-GA) $90.00 Putzova, Eva (D-AZ) $90.00 Sabato, Antonio Jr (R-CA) $90.00 Terry, Ted (D-GA) $86.00 D'Arrigo, Melanie (D-NY) $85.00 Baird, Jim (R-IN) $83.00 Mast, Brian (R-FL) $83.00 Fagan, Linsey (D-TX) $80.00 Scarane, Jessica (D-DE) $78.00 Collins, Wlimot (D-MT) $77.00 Lajeunesse, Ross (D-ME) $75.00 Maloney, Sean Patrick (D-NY) $71.00 Harrison, Brigid Callahan (D-NJ) $70.00 Peters, Scott (D-CA) $70.00 Hart, Rita (D-IA) $69.00 Pocan, Mark (D-WI) $67.00 Ernst, Joni (R-IA) $65.00 Toulouse Oliver, Maggie (D-NM) $65.00 Armitage, Chris (D-WA) $63.00 Caruso-Cabrera, Michelle (D-NY) $62.00 Bell, Jenny (D-OH) $60.00 Dittmar, Jane (D-VA) $60.00 Mangone, Kim (D-CA) $60.00 Tims, Desiree (D-OH) $60.00 Wahab, Aisha (D-CA) $60.00 Pappas, Chris (D-NH) $58.00 Broyles, Abby (D-OK) $55.00 Mauro, Eddie J (D-IA) $55.00 Moore, Nyanza (D-TX) $55.00 O'Mara, Liam (D-CA) $55.00 Webb, Cameron (D-VA) $55.00 Call, Jason (D-WA) $53.00 Nuckolls, Asher (D-GA) $53.00 Blumenauer, Earl (D-OR) $52.00 Jacobsen, Leann (D-IA) $52.00 Foster, Russell (D-TX) $51.00 Allen, Kathryn (D-UT) $50.00 Amash, Justin (L-MI) $50.00 Blair, John (D-NM) $50.00 Davidson, Warren (R-OH) $50.00 DiSanto, Delina (D-AZ) $50.00 Flores, Lucy (D-NV) $50.00 Lewis, Jennifer (D-VA) $50.00 Marston, Regina (D-CA) $50.00 Murray, Scherie (R-NY) $50.00 Palzewicz, Tom (D-WI) $50.00 Schmid, Stephanie (D-NJ) $50.00 Waters, Maxine (D-CA) $50.00 Coleman, Bonnie (D-NJ) $47.00 Norcross, Don (D-NJ) $47.00 Pascrell, Bill Jr (D-NJ) $47.00 Payne, Donald M Jr (D-NJ) $47.00 Schakowsky, Jan (D-IL) $47.00 Sires, Albio (D-NJ) $47.00 Wildes, Michael (D-NJ) $47.00 McCarthy, Kevin (R-CA) $46.00 Horsford, Steven (D-NV) $45.00 Mermell, Jesse (D-MA) $44.00 Neguse, Joseph (D-CO) $44.00 Collins, Susan M (R-ME) $40.00 Deegan, Donna (D-FL) $40.00 Engel, Eliot L (D-NY) $40.00 Zornio, Trish (D-CO) $40.00 Hagan, Mallory (D-AL) $39.00 Myers, Cathy (D-WI) $37.00 Davis, Moe (D-NC) $35.00 Hackett, Pat (D-IN) $35.00 Kim, David (D-CA) $35.00 Perdue, David (R-GA) $35.00 Kunkel, Catherine (D-WV) $33.00 Leckey, Ihssane (D-MA) $32.00 Stephens, (Key)Antwon (D-GA) $31.00 Larsen, Mike (D-OH) $30.00 Throne-Holst, Anna (D-NY) $30.00 Kihuen, Ruben (D-NV) $29.00 Mustafa, Sameena (D-IL) $28.00 Sedillo Lopez, Antoinette (D-NM) $28.00 Calderon, Roza (D-CA) $27.00 Welch, Peter (D-VT) $27.00 Kreibich, Arati (D-NJ) $26.00 Messam, Wayne (D) $26.00 Van Hollen, Chris (D-MD) $26.00 Bolz, Kate (D-NE) $25.00 Collins, Kina (D-IL) $25.00 Cummings, Elijah E (D-MD) $25.00 Edwards, Amanda (D-TX) $25.00 Fabert, Shannon (D-KY) $25.00 Fleischmann, Chuck (R-TN) $25.00 Franken, Michael (D-IA) $25.00 Goldbeck, Janessa (D-CA) $25.00 Iacino, James (D-CO) $25.00 Jackson, Ronny (R-TX) $25.00 Johnson, Lacy (R-MN) $25.00 Kidman, Bre (D-ME) $25.00 Lake, Jeannine Lee (D-IN) $25.00 Mantilla, Joanne (D-PA) $25.00 McClintock, Tom (R-CA) $25.00 Olsen, Travis (D-TX) $25.00 Quigley, Mike (D-IL) $25.00 Stanton, Greg (D-AZ) $25.00 Ventura, Rachel (D-IL) $25.00 Wadkins, Randy (D-MS) $25.00 Santarsiero, Steve (D-PA) $24.00 Sanchez, Jana Lynne (D-TX) $22.00 Hirono, Mazie K (D-HI) $21.00 Ruiz, Raul (D-CA) $21.00 Blevins, Ryan (D-CA) $20.00 Bryant, Shelia (D-MD) $20.00 Collins, Doug (R-GA) $20.00 Davidson, DeMarco (D-MO) $20.00 Duenas, Angelica (3-CA) $20.00 Emmons, Robert Jr (D-IL) $20.00 Greene, Joan (D-AZ) $20.00 Hattersley, Adam (D-FL) $20.00 Huffman, Scott (D-NC) $20.00 Raknerud, Zach (D-ND) $20.00 Tillis, Thom (R-NC) $20.00 Valenzuela, Candace (D-TX) $20.00 Kildee, Dan (D-MI) $18.00 Levin, Andy (D-MI) $18.00 Coleman, Lynn (D-IN) $17.00 Meng, Grace (D-NY) $17.00 Plumb, John (D-NY) $17.00 Rice, Kathleen (D-NY) $17.00 Bennett, LuAnn (D-VA) $16.00 Bonoff, Terri (D-MN) $16.00 Brown, Lisa (D-WA) $16.00 Iron Eyes, Chase (D-ND) $16.00 Otto, Bill (D-MO) $16.00 Sturgill, Jerry (D-ID) $16.00 Tryon, Stephen P (D-UT) $16.00 Wicklund, Mark (D-IL) $16.00 Williams, Jay (D-SD) $16.00 Barzee Flores, Mary (D-FL) $15.00 Cohn, Alan (D-FL) $15.00 DeSantis, Ron (R-FL) $15.00 Kennedy, (D-NJ) $15.00 Orozco, Stevens (D-TX) $15.00 Ortiz, Jonathan (D-NY) $15.00 Shea-Porter, Carol (D-NH) $13.00 Dean, Madeleine (D-PA) $12.00 Emard, Benjamin (D-CA) $12.00 Thomas, Kathi (D-TX) $11.00 ( - ) $10.00 Banyai, Cindy Lyn (D-FL) $10.00 Burdick, Jeff (D-CA) $10.00 Cornell, Phil (D-WA) $10.00 David, Steven (D-TX) $10.00 Gallego, Ruben (D-AZ) $10.00 Hamm, Lawrence (D-NJ) $10.00 Heinz, Matt (D-AZ) $10.00 Johnson-Hostler, Monika (D-NC) $10.00 Juneau, Denise (D-MT) $10.00 Muscato, Michael (D-AZ) $10.00 Vanostran, Cort (D-MO) $10.00 Vernon, Monica (D-IA) $10.00 Williams, Vangie (D-VA) $10.00 Mulcahy, Nathaniel (D-MA) $8.00 Bell, Adrienne (D-TX) $7.00 Berina, CJ (D-CA) $6.00 Brill, David (D-AZ) $6.00 Carper, Tom (D-DE) $6.00 De Blasio, Bill (D) $6.00 Litton, Todd (D-TX) $6.00 Whitehouse, Sheldon (D-RI) $6.00 Wilson, Jenny (D-UT) $6.00 Galbraith, Allison (D-MD) $5.00 Hartman, Christina (D-PA) $5.00 Lee, Albert (D-OR) $5.00 Liss-Riordan, Shannon (D-MA) $5.00 Plummer, Letitia (D-TX) $5.00 Polack, Roger (D-WI) $5.00 Richardson, Chardo (D-FL) $5.00 Rittereiser, Jason (D-WA) $5.00 Schultz, Debbie Wasserman (D-FL) $5.00 Sidie, Jay (D-KS) $5.00 Smith, Sarah (D-WA) $5.00 Cicilline, David (D-RI) $4.00 Jeffries, Hakeem (D-NY) $4.00 Perry, Paul (D-PA) $4.00 Bishop, Dan (R-NC) $3.00 Cartwright, Matt (D-PA) $3.00 Grijalva, Raul M (D-AZ) $3.00 Grissom, Barry (D-KS) $3.00 Grossman, Becky (D-MA) $3.00 Karinshak, Zahra S. (D-GA) $3.00 Koble, Clint (D-NV) $3.00 Ludwig, Yana (D-WY) $3.00 Marcano, Carlos (D-IN) $3.00 Mohsini, Zainab (D-VA) $3.00 Rajput, Solomon (D-MI) $3.00 Snow, Salem (D-PA) $3.00 Keady, Jim (D-NJ) $2.00 Kishineff, Jason (3-CA) $2.00 Lockwood, Daniel Ulysses (D-NC) $2.00 Morales, Hector (D-TX) $2.00 O'Halleran, Tom (D-AZ) $2.00 Smith, Stefanie (D-IL) $2.00 Adia, Vanessa (D-TX) $1.00 Amun, Akhenaten (D-GA) $1.00 Bartee, Tobey (3-MS) $1.00 Blumenthal, Richard (D-CT) $1.00 Bohren, Jensen (D-MS) $1.00 Burch, Lorie (D-TX) $1.00 Canning, Doyle (D-OR) $1.00 Carter, Deandre (D-NC) $1.00 Cirincione, Russell (D-NJ) $1.00 Coons, Chris (D-DE) $1.00 Ellis, Kathryn (D-MO) $1.00 Gagarin, Mel (D-NY) $1.00 Janicek, Chris (D-NE) $1.00 King, Angus (I-ME) $1.00 Learned, Andrew (D-FL) $1.00 Lee, Eva F (D-NC) $1.00 Leitzel, Dustin (D-CO) $1.00 Maher, Pat (D-NY) $1.00 Noren, Scott (I-NY) $1.00 Oseguera, Hector (D-NJ) $1.00 Ramsey, Barbara (D-NE) $1.00 Reed, Jack (D-RI) $1.00 Ringelstein, Zak (D-ME) $1.00 Siebe, Amanda (D-OR) $1.00 Tannehill, Clint (D-WA) $1.00 Vaid, Omar (D-NY) $1.00 Watson, Melissa (D-SC) $1.00

Kasich, John (R) $(1,300.00) Pawlenty, Tim (R) $(2,500.00) Reed, Dave (R-PA) $(2,700.00)

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