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Congratulations Golden State Warriors, you're not going to the White House

Donald Trump just said the other day that the winner of the NBA Finals wasn't going to be invited to the White House.

The Golden State Warriors won the NBA Finals on Friday night in a four-game sweep of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

So the Warriors aren't going to the White House as per tradition with a sports team who wins a championship. But why?

The short answer: The Golden State Warriors are ignorant about many of the things President Trump has done for this country in the nearly year and a half he has been the commander in chief.

The long answer: The Warriors are from California, a state that has leaned largely Democrat and by extension liberal. It's not that Donald Trump doesn't want to invite any sports team from a blue, Democrat state to the White House. He really does.

It's that people believe the lies of the mainstream media outlets in this country.

Those mainstream media outlets are CBS News, NBC News, MSNBC News, ABC News and #FakeNews CNN as Trump likes to say.

It also probably has something to do with being generally respectful. Stephen Curry probably doesn't respect President Trump because Curry thinks Trump seems to be a little mean.

Trump is being tough because this country doesn't have time to be nice and formal all the time because there are literally evils forces out there that will continue to do things that are harmful to the United States of America if he isn't tough on them. This is something that people need to understand if they learn nothing else from this blog post.

If the President were to do things in a nice and formal way all the time, he wouldn't get as much as he'd like to get done. And it doesn't help when #FakeNews outlets are continuing to spread false information just to try advance their political agenda interests. Many #FakeNews outlets rely on your ignorance and you shouldn't reward them for it.

The truth is Trump is just calling out people to do their jobs better so he can "Make America Great Again." For his re-election campaign which has already been started, he wants to "Keep America Great."

Donald Trump may not look like he is being respectful at times but there are many Republicans who are fed up with the lawlessness continuing to go on in this country and they will tell you it needs to be stopped as soon as possible.

I have a news flash for people. Many Republicans are scared to death about what WOULD HAVE HAPPENED if Obama was allowed another term as President or Hillary Clinton had won the presidency.

And Republicans will tell you that's trillions of times exponentially greater than what Democrats think of Trump being elected President.

Republicans are worried about their futures, their families and most importantly their freedom.

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