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Ben Sasse accepts $39,500 from Big Tech

(Photo Credit:, Ben Sasse U.S. Senator from Nebraska)

Here is my story about my predictions for Nebraska’s 2020 Congressional elections. I tried to get as much information as I could about every candidate from their social media pages and their websites. If I couldn’t find a social media page of a candidate, I didn’t find it on the first page of a candidate’s website or it wasn’t easy or obvious to find on Facebook or Twitter. Sorry.

My early prediction before making an informed decision: I think Republicans Jeff Fortenberry, Don Bacon and Adrian Smith will all win re-election in the U.S. House of Representatives from Nebraska.

I also think Ben Sasse will be re-elected to the U.S. Senate from Nebraska.

Even before looking at the FEC reports and after taking a quick look without going into great detail in looking at these candidates’ social media, I expect Kara Eastman to be the Democratic Party nominee in Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District.

Gab, Parler and Telegram are the newest free speech platforms.

Just curious what people think. Should Facebook display or make appear most prominently the number of “Likes” or Facebook “Follows” a political candidate receives or the most of one of those in various places where you can promote your Facebook page on the Internet?

According to the Center for Responsive Politics ( website, based on the most recent data from April 21st, 2020, released the FEC, incumbent Nebraska U.S. Senator Ben Sasse who is up for re-election this year has accepted $39,500 from Big Tech companies during the 2020 election cycle.

The first 18,500 of that is from the Big Tech companies while the other $21,000 is from Big Tech company Political Action Committees (or organizations).

From both the Big Tech companies and the Big Tech company PACs, he has accepted $11,400 from Alphabet Inc. and $4,500 from Google Inc. PAC, $4,000 from Facebook, $5,500 from, and $14,100 from Microsoft Corp.

Sasse has accepted $11,400 from Alphabet Inc., $500 from and $6,600 from Microsoft Corp.

From the PACs, he has accepted $4,500 from Google Inc. PAC, $4,000 from Facebook Inc. PAC, $5,000 from PAC, and $7,500 from Microsoft Corp. PAC.

Obviously, Sasse didn’t take any money from Twitter because I’m confident he thinks Twitter is just crap and not worthy of great intelligent thinking, especially with the trolls. It would be nice if Sasse would take this attitude toward all of the Big Tech companies who do have a major impact on U.S. elections which all people need to fully understand immediately.

That is especially the case when people are getting banned on Facebook and Twitter for posting facts about corrupt politicians, which is being enforced greater and greater every single day as we get closer to the General Election Day in November; you can’t talk negatively about how Islam/Muslims are evil, murderous and they think Heaven is a whorehouse; and Muhammad lived a life of pedophilia.

But it’s not just Twitter and Facebook, it is Alphabet and Google who hide or bury the most truthful and the most recent very newsworthy stories so far down in search results that no people can see or read it unless they have a lot of time to try and look for it. This same thing Alphabet and Google are doing applies to people and their websites and how they can make money.

There have been many reports and stories about how Microsoft Corp rich guy Bill Gates has a financial interest in implanting people with a microchip after they receive a vaccine for the coronavirus (or whatever disease will come after that) so the Big Tech companies can determine who is still dangerous to spread the disease and who is not. These Big Tech companies probably will want to work with the U.S. government and any other government in the world to enforce this.

Big Tech companies all often collaborate and work together too, which should be concerning in and of itself.

And when you have a microchip in your body, the government will be able to track everything you do which is essentially giving your freedoms and privacy away to the government forever.

Kind of like how you have a phone or a computer and you take it with you everywhere and how governments now probably have secret microphones and cameras set up on those devices so they can listen to all of your conversations but in reality they only really care about your terroristic plans.

So what are those terroristic plans?

Will the definition of those “terroristic plans” change if Big Tech companies can influence governments to define it as something that might not even be murderous actions at all?

Oh, and by the way, these brand new TVs also have cameras to spy on you so they can see what you are doing. makes it hard for Milo Yiannopoulos and probably many other people to sell their books by saying the books have sold out when in actuality they probably haven’t sold that many, just so people won’t read their content. This is censorship. This is like modern-day Nazi Germany book burning.

Apple Inc. is probably now data-raping and surveilling your child or student with all of these kids in high school and middle school and perhaps even as far down as elementary school using personal laptop computers provided to the students by the school with contracts with Apple Inc.

Just imagine these kids trying to get a good job in 10 or 20 years and they can’t get a job they like because somebody posts online or on social media how your kid or student did something that at best, probably wasn’t the best decision in the world in high school, middle school or even elementary school.

In other words, something that may only get you punished to stay after school for 10 or 15 minutes.

If you are censored and banned from social media websites, it can be extremely hard to defend yourself.

With the way leftists, liberals and Democrats are demonizing people more and more every single day, just imagine if one of those leftists, liberals or Democrats were a news reporter and they didn’t like you when you tried to call into a news station to defend yourself and perhaps they wouldn’t even pick up the phone if they recognized your phone number on caller ID.

During the 2020 election cycle, U.S. Senator Sasse is ranked number 62 from candidates and everything else (for example PACs, political parties, outside groups, etc.) in accepting money from Big Tech companies which include Alphabet, Google,, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft Corp and Twitter.

But he is in much worse shape than that in accepting money from Big Tech companies.

Sasse is ranked 45th among all Congressional and Presidential candidates exclusively during the 2020 election cycle and is ranked 6th among all Republican candidates exclusively.

The five Republicans who are ahead of Mr. Sasse in taking money from Big Tech are President Trump $73,797; Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) $60,880; Thom Tillis (R-NC) $53,537; Cory Gardner (R-CO) $50,037 and Steve Scalise (R-LA) $41,545; who almost got killed while practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game on June 14th, 2017, which also just happens to be on Flag Day and President Trump’s birthday.

Scalise from Louisiana is the only Republican candidate from a state that didn’t vote Democrat for President in the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Presidential elections ahead of Sasse who has taken money from Big Tech.

President Trump’s most recent permanent residence is in Florida’s 21st Congressional District, which voted Republican for President in 2016. But Trump was a New York resident in 2016, which voted Democrat for President in 2016.

So it’s extremely concerning when Ben Sasse who is a Christian and probably doesn’t like evil, is accepting money from these Level infinity evil Big Tech companies who will do anything to make sure the Democratic Party takes control of the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Presidency to implement their plan of socialism on the entire world and not just in the U.S.A.

With Sasse accepting money from Big Tech companies is essentially in part undoing all of the actual good he is doing in the U.S. Congress.

It is no exaggeration to say that these Big Tech companies are at a Level infinity of evil at this point.

If you learn nothing else from this story, just follow Laura Loomer on the newest social media websites of Telegram, Gab and Parler if you don’t believe me and you think I’m exaggerating and you will be proven wrong.

The top 100 candidates exclusively have all accepted $19,396 or more from Big Tech.

These Big Tech companies and their PACs have given candidates $19,120,844 in the 2020 election cycle alone.

Of that $19+ million, $15,437,798 is coming from individuals while the remaining $3,683,046 comes from PACs or organizations.

But lucky for Ben Sasse he isn’t the only member of Congress or Congressional candidate from Nebraska to accept money from Big Tech.

Adrian Smith, the incumbent U.S. Representative from Nebraska’s 3rd Congressional District has taken $9,500 from Big Tech, with all of that money from PACs/organizations.

That is ranked 317th from candidates and everything else in accepting money from Big Tech.

He has taken $2,000 from Google Inc. PAC, $4,500 from, and $3,000 from Microsoft Corp.

Don Bacon has accepted $6,100 with 5,500 of that from PACs/organizations.

He is ranked 406th from candidates and everything else. The other $600 is from Big Tech companies.

Bacon has taken $2,500 from Google Inc. PAC, $1,600 from and $2,000 from the Microsoft Corp PAC.

From the Big Tech companies $600 is from

The money Bacon has taken from the Big Tech company PACs, is $2,500 from Google Inc. PAC, $1,000 is from PAC and $2,000 is from the Microsoft Corp PAC.

Kara Eastman has accepted $2,578 from Big Tech. None of that money is from Big Tech PACs/organizations. She is ranked 670th from candidates and everything else in accepting money from Big Tech.

Eastman has taken for $311 from Alphabet Inc., $545 from Facebook Inc., $379 Apple Inc., $522, and $821 from Microsoft Corp.

Alisha Shelton has accepted $500 from Facebook Inc. None of that money is from PACs/organizations. She is ranked 933rd from candidates and everything else in accepting money from Big Tech.

Ann Ashford has accepted $50 from Alphabet Inc. None of that money is from PACs/organizations. She is ranked 1,141st from candidates and everything else in accepting money from Big Tech.

Kate Bolz has accepted $35 from Big Tech. None of that money is from PACs/organizations. She is ranked 1,171st from candidates and everything else in accepting money from Big Tech.

Bolz has accepted $25 from Apple Inc. and $10 from

Chris Janicek has accepted $25 from Microsoft Corp. None of that money is from PACs/organizations. He is ranked 1,182nd from candidates and everything else in accepting money from Big Tech.

Barbara Ramsey has accepted $3 from Big Tech. None of that money is from PACs/organizations. She is ranked 1,239th from candidates and everything else in accepting money from Big Tech.

Ramsey has taken $2 from and $1 from Apple Inc.

Angie Phillips has accepted $1 from None of that money is from PACs/organizations. She is ranked 1,262th from candidates and everything else in accepting money from Big Tech.

Jeff Fortenberry has accepted a net of $0 from Big Tech.

He gave $1,000 back to Google Inc. PAC.

But he has accepted $1,000 from Microsoft Corp PAC. He is ranked 1,273rd from candidates and everything else in accepting money from Big Tech.

So now here is the social media information for all 2020 Congressional candidates from Nebraska.

Congressional District 1: Before even comparing the actual number of likes and followers the Democratic Party candidates have on social media in a head-to-head battle, I think Kate Bolz is easily going to win the primary over Barbara Ramsey.

The following candidates I gathered information about them on May 7th, 2020:

On Twitter, Senator Kate Bolz (@katejbolz) is following 795 and has 4,424 followers. Kate Bolz (@BolzKate) has 3,274 people who like her campaign Facebook page and 3,683 people who follow her page. Bolz doesn’t want to show all of us how many Facebook friends she has on her personal Facebook page and she has 244 members and campaign volunteers in a private group on Facebook called “Team Bolz Community”. Kate Bolz (katebolz) has 659 followers on Instagram and she follows 413 people.

Babs Ramsey For Congress (@babsramsey) follows 465 people on Twitter and has 1,603 followers. Barbara Ramsey For Congress (@babsforcongress) has 645 people who like her campaign Facebook page and 681 people who follow it on Facebook. And like Bolz, Ramsey isn’t interested in showing all of us how may Facebook friends she actually has. Babs Ramsey (votebabs) on Instagram has 161 followers and follows 61. Ramsey For Congress has 8 YouTube subscribers.

Bolz clearly has more likes and followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Bolz also follows more people on Twitter and Instagram.

Jeff Fortenberry (@JeffFortenberry) on Twitter, the Republican incumbent, has 23,088 followers and follows 2,174 accounts. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (@jefffortenberry) has 12,761 Facebook likes and 19,127 Facebook followers. JeffFortenberry has 424 YouTube subscribers.

On Twitter, on his “Official Campaign Account” Jeff Fortenberry (@supportfortNE) has 59 followers and is following zero accounts. Jeff Fortenberry (@jefffortenberryforcongress) has 893 Facebook likes and 906 Facebook follows. On his personal Facebook page, he doesn’t want to tell us how many Facebook friends he has or if anyone even follows him.

Dennis Grace (@thedennisgrace) on Twitter, the Libertarian Party candidate, has 305 Twitter followers and follows 613 accounts. Dennis Grace for Congress 2020 (@thedennisgrace) has 368 people who like his campaign Facebook page and 376 who follow it. He has a personal Facebook page and doesn’t want to tell us how many Facebook friends he has or if anybody even follows him.

Congressional District 2:

On May 5th, 2020, I gathered information for the following candidates:

Republican incumbent Don Bacon will challenge Paul Anderson for the Republican Party nomination. Ann Ashford, Kara Eastman and Gladys Harrison are the competition for the Democratic Party nomination.

Tyler Schaeffer, a Libertarian Party candidate, has already advanced to the general election.

Rep. Don Bacon (@RepDonBacon) on Twitter has 12,964 followers and follows 580 Twitter accounts. Congressman Don Bacon (@RepDonBacon) has 5,034 Facebook Likes and 9,882 Facebook Followers. Don Bacon (repdonbacon) on Instagram has 1,663 followers and is following 105 accounts. Rep. Don Bacon has 248 YouTube subscribers.

On Twitter, Don Bacon (@DonJBacon) is following 678 people and has 4,489 followers. Don Bacon (@DonJBacon) has 7,637 Facebook likes and 10,260 Facebook followers. On his personal Facebook page, Don Bacon doesn’t want us to know how many Facebook friends he has.

On his personal Facebook page, Paul Anderson doesn’t want us to know how many Facebook friends he has.

After looking at social media, I expect Don Bacon to win the Republican primary election.

Ann Ashford for Congress (@Ann_Ashford) has 2,435 Twitter followers and follows 3,483 Twitter accounts. Ann Ashford (@AnnforCongress) has 919 Facebook likes and has 964 Facebook follows. On her personal Facebook page, Ann Ferlic Ashford doesn’t want to tell us how many Facebook friends she has.

Kara Eastman (@karaforcongress) has 12,812 Twitter followers and follows 8,975 accounts. Kara Eastman (@eastmanforcongress) has 29,490 Facebook likes and 29,650 Facebook follows. On her personal Facebook account, she doesn’t show all of us how many Facebook friends or follows she has. Kara Eastman (karaforcongress) has 2,386 Instagram followers and is following 1,072 accounts. Eastman for Congress has 18 YouTube subscribers.

Gladys Harrison (@Gladys4Congress) has 11,327 Twitter followers and follows 11,163 accounts. Gladys Harrison (@Gladys4Congress) on Facebook has 437 people who like her campaign Facebook page and 473 who follow it. Gladys4Congress (gladys4congress) has 135 Instagram followers and follows 58 accounts.

After looking at social media, I expect Kara Eastman to win the Democratic Party nomination.

I expect Ann Ashford to finish in second place and Gladys Harrison to finish in 3rd place in the Democratic Party primary election.

According to the number of Twitter followers and the number of people Ann Ashford and Gladys Harrison follow, according to Twitter, Harrison should finish in 2nd place and Ashford should finish in 3rd place in the Democratic Party primary.

Tyler Schaeffer (Libertarian Party) has no known social media pages or website.

For the general election, according to Facebook and Instagram, Eastman has more followers and follows more people than Bacon does. But Bacon has more of a gap or difference between the likes and followers on Facebook and the followers/following on Instagram than Eastman has.

She also follows more people on Twitter and has more Twitter followers than Bacon’s personal Twitter account. Eastman however has less Twitter followers than Bacon’s @RepDonBacon Twitter account. As with Instagram, on Twitter Bacon also follows significantly less people than the number of followers he has unlike Eastman. Bacon also has more YouTube subscribers than Eastman does.

So to sum up those last several sentences, Eastman definitely has more Facebook likes/follows and more Instagram followers, but Bacon is more liked than Eastman and has a much larger percentage of people who follow him compared to the number of people Bacon follows than Eastman does.

Bacon may not get more likes or followers than Eastman, but he checks off all of the social media website boxes that I have mentioned in this story. Meaning that if Eastman had more followers and likes relative to the number of people she follows, it would be a much more competitive U.S. House of Representatives race leading up to the November general elections. But Bacon beats Eastman in every social media category by checking off all of the boxes.

I completely expect Eastman to be defeated by Bacon again in the November general election. So to sum this all up, generally speaking, Big Tech companies want Eastman to defeat Bacon because she has more likes and followers and they want you to think she is more popular.

Congressional District 3:

On May 7th, 2020, I gathered information for the following candidates:

On his government-issued Twitter account Rep. Adrian Smith (@RepAdrianSmith) has 14,107 followers and follows 390 accounts. Rep. Adrian Smith (@RepAdrianSmith) has 457 people who like his page and 665 people who follow it on Facebook. To be fair though, Mr. Smith created this Facebook page on July 31st, 2019, so a lot of people don’t probably even know about it yet. RepAdrianSmith has 120 YouTube subscribers. Adrian Smith (repadriansmith) on Instagram has 569 followers and follows 96 people.

Adrian Smith (@AdrianSmithNE) has 7,434 likes and 12,474 followers on Facebook.

Larry Bolinger (@LarryForCongres) follows 299 people on Twitter and has 34 followers. On his personal Facebook account, he has 1,872 Facebook friends. On his more restrictive personal Facebook account, he has 105 Facebook friends. As of May 10th, 2020, he has 597 in a public Facebook group titled “Larry Bolinger For Congress 2020”.

William Elfgren (@ElfgrenBill) follows 94 people on Twitter and has 24 followers. On his personal Facebook page, he has 303 Facebook friends and is followed by 9 people.

Arron Kowalski (@amk4956) follows 264 people and has 94 Twitter followers. Kowalski for Congress (@KowalskiForCongress) has 222 likes and 226 Facebook follows. He has 508 Facebook friends on his personal Facebook account.

Justin Moran, votejustinmoran (Justin40064022) follows 3 people on Twitter and has 0 followers. On Facebook, (@VOTEJUSTINMORAN) has 5 Facebook likes and 5 Facebook followers.

Mark Elworth Jr. (@MarkElworthJr), the lone Democratic Party candidate, has 775 Twitter followers and follows 279 on Twitter. Mark Elworth Jr., Political Activist (@markjr4gov) has 15,308 Facebook likes and 14,898 Facebook follows (not a typo). Mark Elworth Jr., the lone Democrat candidate, has 2,839 Facebook friends and is followed by 176 people on his personal Facebook account.

Dustin Hobbs, the lone Libertarian Party candidate, has no known social media or campaign website.

U.S. Senate:

On May 8th, 2020, information gathered for the Republican candidates for U.S. Senate in Nebraska and Chris Janicek, a Democrat, were recorded.

Senator Ben Sasse (@SenSasse) has 146,391 followers and only follows one person, himself, his personal Twitter account. Senator Ben Sasse (@SenatorSasse) on his official Congressman Facebook page has 48,289 likes and 72,910 follows. He has 10.3 K YouTube subscribers. Senator Ben Sasse (senatorsasse) on Instagram has 9,661 followers and again follows one person.

Ben Sasse on his much more popular personal Twitter account (@BenSasse) follows 804 people and has 280,016 followers. Ben Sasse (@sassefornebraska) has 59,262 Facebook likes and 61,700 Facebook followers.

Team Sasse (@TeamSasse) on Twitter has 222 followers and follows 140 people. Sasse for Nebraska YouTube channel has 0 subscribers on the “Home” and the “About” pages which people need to pay attention to for YouTube as you continue to read this story (and go back and read what I have already said about other candidates regarding YouTube).

On his campaign Twitter account, Matt Innis has 298 followers and is following 40 people. Matt Innis (@innismd) is following 109 and has 57 followers on his personal Twitter account. Matt Innis for US Senate, Inc. (@MattInnisForSenate) has 1,372 Facebook likes and 1,428 Facebook follows. On his personal Facebook account, he doesn’t want to show all of us how many Facebook friends he has. On May 9th, 2020, he had 12 YouTube subscribers on his Matt Innis for U.S. Senate page.

Chris Janicek (@CJSenate2020) has 4,931 Twitter followers and follows 1,366 on Twitter. He has 1,826 Facebook likes on his Janicek for Senate (@janicekforsenate) Facebook page and 1,877 Facebook follows. Janicek has 5,000 Facebook friends on his personal Facebook page and is followed by seven people. Somebody who helps promote Chris Janicek’s campaign, Scott Howitt, has one YouTube subscriber on the “About” page but has 0 subscribers on the YouTube channel’s “Home” page. Howitt has made 6 videos on Vimeo, has 2 followers and 0 likes.

On May 9th, 2020, the following information was recorded for most of the U.S. Senate candidates in Nebraska:

Dennis Frank Macek (@dftmacek) is following 55 on Twitter and has 33 Twitter followers. Macek for Senate (@macekforsenate) has 220 Facebook likes and 224 Facebook followers. On his personal Facebook page, he has 62 friends. He doesn’t have any subscribers on two of his YouTube channels.

Larry Marvin has 144 Facebook friends on his personal Facebook page. I tried to find a campaign website and any other social media, but I couldn’t find any.

Angie Phillips (@AngieForNe) follows 687 people on Twitter and has 1,173 followers. Angie for Senate (@AngieForNebraska) has 1,448 Facebook likes and 1,505 Facebook follows. She doesn’t want to tell all of us how many Facebook friends she has on her personal Facebook page. She follows 357 and has 263 followers on Instagram. Angie Phillips has 14 YouTube subscribers.

Alisha Shelton (@Shelton4Senate) has 623 Twitter followers and follows 420 on Twitter. There are 1,623 who like her campaign Facebook page and 1,701 on who follow her Alisha Shelton for U.S. Senate (@SheltonforSenate) campaign Facebook page. She doesn’t want to tell us how many friends she has on her personal Facebook page. She has 69 members on her “Team Alisha Shelton” public group Facebook page. Shelton follows 446 on Instagram and has 354 followers.

Andrew Stock (@PeasantsUnite13) has 2,411 Twitter followers and follows 2,155. There are 2,009 people who like his campaign Facebook page and 2,073 who follow his Andy Stock for U.S. Senate (@Stock4Senate) Facebook page. Stock doesn’t want to show us how many Facebook friends he has. He two YouTube subscribers on his Peasants Unite YouTube channel home page, but when you go to the “About” section he only has one YouTube subscriber.

Dan Wik (@DrDanWik) has 38 Twitter followers and is following 155. There are 708 people like his Facebook page while 806 follow his Wik for Senate (@wiksenate2020) Facebook page. He has 1,031 Facebook friends on his personal Facebook page. On Vimeo, Jake Porter, the person who posts Wik’s campaign videos on his official campaign website has made 12 videos, has 0 followers and 0 likes.

The following is true for Gene Siadek as of May 12th, 2020:

Gene Siadek, is the Libertarian Party candidate and has already advanced to the General Election for the U.S. Senate seat. Gene Siadek (@gsiadek) appears to follow 8 people and has 3 Twitter followers. He also has 102 friends on his personal Facebook page.

So here are my predictions for each Congressional race and what order I think they will finish in. The Libertarian candidates I generally expect to finish in last place for the Primary and the General Elections. So when I say 3rd place for the Libertarian candidates, I really mean last place. I reserve the right to change my predictions for the General Election in the future. As of this moment, I have no idea how much money each candidate has raised based on the FEC reports:

Congressional District 1:

Primary: Democrats: Bolz over Ramsey; Republicans: Fortenberry; Libertarian: Dennis Grace

General Election: 1st place: Fortenberry; 2nd place: Bolz; 3rd place: Grace

Congressional District 2:

Primary: Democrats: Eastman, Ashford, Harrison; Republicans: Bacon over Anderson; Libertarian: Schaeffer

General Election: Bacon over Eastman; Schaeffer (3rd place)

I won’t be surprised if Eastman or the Democratic Party primary winner wins the General Election though. The last three elections in this Congressional District have all been close.

Congressional District 3:

Primary: Democrats: Elworth Jr.; Republicans: Smith, Kowalski, Bolinger, Elfgren, Moran; Libertarians: Hobbs

General Election: Smith over Elworth Jr.; Hobbs (3rd place)

U.S. Senate:

Primary: Democrats: Janicek, Phillips, Stock, Shelton, Wik, Macek, Marvin; Republicans: Sasse over Innis; Libertarian: Siadek

General Election: Sasse over Democrat winner (Janicek probably); Siadek (3rd place)

I just looked at the most recent FEC reports. I don’t expect Don Bacon to lose in the 2nd Congressional District. I have a feeling Janicek, Shelton and Macek are going to finish in the top 3 for the Democratic Party primary for the U.S. Senate.

These predictions in this entire story probably aren’t going to be all correctly predicted.

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