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Kamala Harris has poisoned MLK Day forever

(Photo credit: Kamala Harris,

Kamala Harris sometimes referred to by commentators on the right-side of the political aisle as the “female Barack Obama” declared a run for the President of the United States today (Monday) in 2020.

I could have titled this post something else. Such as “Kamala Harris declared a run for the presidency today.” Or “Kamala Harris declared for the presidency on MLK (abbreviated) Jr. Day.” Or “Kamala Harris is running for President (in 2020).”

But I didn’t think it was appropriate.

And I want you to read this.

People who do disrespectful things need to be called out on it. It doesn't matter what political affiliation you are.

And that’s what I intend to do today.

This is insulting to MLK, I mean, to the day of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that has been observed in the United States as a federal holiday every year since 1986.

And everything it represents that is good.

And that is a warning to every citizen in the United States and every citizen throughout the world.

And for you leftist liberal Democrats, the person who made MLK Jr. Day, a holiday, into “federal” law, was Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1983. Not a Democrat.

That means Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter (both Democrat presidents) could have made MLK Day into law. That means Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford (both Republican presidents) could have made MLK Day into law.

But they didn’t.

Maybe it wasn’t reasonable for something such as a “federal” holiday to get put into effect into law in less than 15 years (MLK was killed in 1968). I mean we are talking about a holiday, not political policies that can actually help people.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established as a holiday in many cities and states in 1971.

MLK Jr. Day was officially observed in all 50 United States in the year 2000.

Harris likely isn’t going to do anything on this federal holiday except whatever she wants to do.

The truth is, as a public figure, she should be attending MLK Jr. Day events instead of thinking about herself.

Why did she declare on a federal holiday?

She wants you to think she cares about you. She wants you to think that she is going to be available to talk on all non-holidays and that this is just when she has the time to declare it.

She thinks she has the time to declare it on a historical holiday.

But the truth is, she doesn’t want to declare on a non-holiday because she wants to be working every day of the non-holidays on the things only she wants to do.

Out of all the days of the year Kamala Harris could have picked to officially announce a run for the presidency, this just might be the worst day she could have declared it. (The worst day might be on April 4th, the day of MLK’s death in 1968, but many people probably wouldn’t even notice that because April 4th isn’t recognized as a federal holiday.)

It might not be so bad if she declared it tomorrow, but it would still look bad and be somewhat obvious if she did it tomorrow or really the first 6 days after MLK Jr. Day.

Why do you say that Evan?

I say that because Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. took a public stand to real problems in our society in the United States’ past history and was ultimately murdered for it through the Civil Rights Movement. He stood up for racial discrimination in federal and state law. And he wanted to do it in a nonviolent way.

Forget about what “appears” to be the “right thing” to do. Do the right thing anyway. No matter how bad it may look. That’s what Martin Luther King Jr. did.

Harris could really be saying by declaring on MLK Jr. Day for the presidency that, “I don’t really care about justice. But I want you to think and have no doubt that I care about it. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the greatest human beings in world history who stood up for people’s Civil Rights. I am declaring a run for the presidency on MLK Jr. Day. And what’s a better way to declare it than on MLK Jr. Day? Nobody else will declare it on MLK Jr. Day.”


That’s the exact point.

She won’t mention that last sentence in that nobody else is going to declare a run for the presidency or anything politically on today’s special day.

Barack Obama did the exact same thing. Not to run for president in 2008, but he did things like that in other ways with so many of the decisions he made.

However, Barack Obama “did” declare for his re-election for president on April 4th, 2011. The same day that MLK Jr. died in 1968. Coincidence? I think not.

I’m sure he would do or would have done the exact same thing, if he felt he needed to do that to get people to vote for him in the past (or even in the future).

And it is also important to remember that Obama omitted facts.

And it is also important that I should talk about any other politician who omits facts, to be objective, but I am talking about Kamala Harris today.

Why do I care about Kamala Harris? People need to know what kind of person she truly is.

Do you think she is a threat to Donald Trump’s Presidential re-election bid in 2020? I don’t. I will talk more about why I think Donald Trump may win re-election in 2020 in the future.

So why has Kamala Harris poisoned MLK Jr. Day?

Because it shows how truly unfeeling she is to the people who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. represented.

She doesn’t love them. She doesn’t care about them.

If she did, she wouldn’t declare a run for the presidency this week of all weeks in a year.

Honestly, I’m not sure declaring on the third Monday in July, as far away as possible on the calendar from MLK Jr. Day, six months from today (or six months in the past) would look great either.

And it might be obvious that way too.

Will a future presidential candidate declare on MLK Jr. Day in the future? How about in 2020? 2021? 2022? 2023? Maybe 2024?

Candidates declaring for the presidency on MLK Jr. Day are poisoning the future of this holiday.

Just look at how the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas are being poisoned?

We spend a lot of our time doing things besides talking to our family members. People watch sports on Thanksgiving & Christmas. People go to the movies.

Maybe we shouldn’t be doing those things on important holidays.

So why are you pointing all of this out Evan about Kamala Harris?

  1. She’s from California. Look at all of the bad, immoral and unethical things that are happening in that state. We all need a “wake-up” call for the state we live in!

  2. She’s a Democrat. Looks at the truth of Democrat Party policies. Don’t just read news sources you like. Democrat policies fail and waste lots of money.

  3. She (obviously) hates Donald Trump. Why else would she run for President in 2020?

  4. I am pointing this out because it is not respectful to MLK Jr.

It is not respectful to real justice and real truth. (Unlike the fake justice and fake truth we have to hear about from the Fake News Media every single day.)

It is not respectful to real problems in society.

It is not respectful to people who have been afflicted for the things MLK Jr. fought for.

It is not respectful to the average American who believes in all of those things.

And it cheapens people who are actually afflicted on a day-to-day basis still today.

5. And it cheapens real racism.

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