When do we "officially" call the migrant caravan/illegal immigration a crisis?

(U.S. Customs and Border Protection; Photo credit: cbsnews.com)
When are you leftists and liberals going to accept the fact that there is an illegal immigrant/migrant crisis along the U.S. Southern Border?
What number should we use to call it a crisis?
Is 300 million people, the size of the U.S. population a bad start?
(According to https://www.census.gov/popclock/ there are 328 million Americans and it will be nearing 329 million soon.)
Three hundred million people is a good solid number, so let’s use that number first.
How about half of 300 million that (150 million), if we assume half of us will vote Democrat and the other half will vote Republican?
But half of the people in this country don’t vote, so the number is half of that, at 75 million.
But not even 75 million people vote for one political party, so it has to be less than that.
What about one-tenth of the entire U.S. population, 30 million people?
That seems like a significant amount of people to create change.
What about 1.11 million people? That is 300 million divided by 270 (the number of electoral votes needed to win an election)?
What about taking 300 million people and dividing it by 435 (the number of people in the House of Representatives)?
That’s it.
So anything over that number should be a crisis to you Democrats.
So what is that number?
We are going to hit it. Likely within the next two months if the current trends of March and April 2019 continue. That really means at the end of the month of June because the latest data is through April 2019.
Want proof?
According to the cbp.gov website, from October 2018 through April 2019 (this fiscal year), there have been 531,699 CBP Southwest Border Total Apprehensions/Inadmissibles.
In the last two months (March and April 2019), there have been more than 100,000 total apprehensions/inadmissibles in each month.
According to the cbp.gov website, over the last three months (February, March and April 2019), there have been more CBP Southwest Border Total Apprehensions/Inadmissibles each month than in any other month from October 2013 through January 2019.
This country is in crisis.
It’s time to own up to it and face it Democrats.
There’s no turning away from this, sticking your head in the sand or avoiding this.
Generally speaking, the consensus is that there is somewhere between eleven to twenty-two million illegals in the U.S.A.
Oh, but that’s right, if you are a leftist or maybe even a liberal, illegal immigrant is just a different term for “undocumented immigrant” since you know, every person is a citizen of the world so nobody is truly illegal going into any country of the world.
Even if we throw the higher number, the projected 22 million illegals in the United States, for a grand total of 322 million people, we are still likely going to hit that number very soon.
If 322 million people divided by 435 is 740,229.885, that is the number of people that would require a crisis.
But wait, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick says there are 25 million illegal immigrants in the United States of America.
So that number could be 325 million divided by 435 is 747,126.437, that is the number of people that would require a crisis.
According to Census.gov (which I mentioned at the beginning of this post), there are 328 million Americans right now.
If 328 million people divided by 435 is 754,022.989, that is the number of people that would require a crisis.
When are we projected to hit that number?
The earliest would be by the end of July based on the current trends of March and April 2019.
The latest is at the end of August 2019.
How do I determine August 2019?
I take the average of the first four months of this fiscal year which is 60, 575.500 total apprehensions/inadmissibles (when things were a little more normal) and multiplied it until I got 222,324 or greater.
Since there have already been 531,699 total apprehension/inadmissibles this fiscal year.
And the target to hit (for this fiscal year) is 753,022.989 total apprehension/inadmissibles.
But the real question is, don’t you want to be proactive and prevent a further and perhaps future crisis by dealing with it now as opposed to waiting to deal with it much later when it “officially” becomes a crisis?
So whatever the illegal immigrant total is, we will be nearing 30 million illegal immigrants in the near future.
It might not be in the year 2020, but it could be as early as say the year 2024, in time to elect a brand new President of the United States (assuming nothing changes between now and then).
And, oh yeah, did I mention that illegal immigrants cost the taxpayers of the U.S.A. a lot of money every year?
But I can’t finish this post without pointing the finger at some of the Republicans as well.
Generally speaking, the Republican Party doesn’t really want illegal immigration in the United States.
But, the Deep State Republicans have apparently always wanted illegals to become United States citizens. Why? I could sit here and explain all kinds of reasons but I think the simplest is this.
That’s it.
That’s all that it really is about.
The money.
Basically all the Democrats (most of them, except for the reasonable Democrats) and the Deep State Republicans don’t really seem to care about the moral and ethical consequences of illegals being allowed to come into the United States.
They also don’t seem to care about any kind of lawful punishment for illegals to come to the United States illegally or any kind of penalties for the illegals before illegals are granted full U.S. citizenship (if that were ever to happen).
What all of these powerful political people who want money only seem to care about is having a nice beach vacation home or resort to go to on an island far away from organized civilization (and with their husbands or wives, of course).
Remember that, and vote on that in 2020.