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Kamala Harris got zero Twitter suggestions 10 days after the 2nd Democratic Party debates and Eric S

(Credit:; Democratic Party Logo)

Kamala Harris gained zero Twitter suggestions, on "You might like" or people to follow on Twitter on August 10th after the second round of Democrat Party debates.

That was obviously after looking at many different Twitter accounts.

I thought that was interesting to say the least.

Not even one of her own Twitter accounts was a suggestion for her other Twitter account.

So I was just doing my typical "Fake News Awards" on August 10th to see how the Fake News outlets from Donald Trump's Fake News Awards from January 17th, 2018, are doing in terms of gaining or losing Twitter followers.

Those Fake News outlets are: The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, ABC News, Newsweek, Time, Paul Krugman, Brian Ross, Dave Weigel, and Anderson Cooper. I have even been keeping track of the FBI's Twitter followers since they were mentioned in Trump's Fake News Awards.

And now, I have expanded it to the 2020 presidential election and the race for the White House.

I did this on August 10th because it was a little more than a week after the second round of Democrat Party debates.

And that's what I did after the first round of Democrat Party debates.

The point was to see who "won" the second Democrat Party debate through a gain or loss in Twitter followers.

But I'm not here to talk about that today.

Obviously, Harris did not gain as many Twitter followers after the second debate compared to round one of the debates.

She gained more than 105,000 Twitter followers after round one and more than 64,000 Twitter followers after debate number two.

I'm here to talk about Twitter's bias on their website.

So Harris gains zero Twitter suggestions and I feel like that might be censorship and Twitter's bias by Twitter.

Or it could be Harris specifically asked to be removed from Twitter's suggestions.


Who really knows if anybody will get an honest answer to that question.

And obviously, Harris probably isn't going to be liked a lot for that no matter how bad some criminals in jail are.

So the narrative from media outlets everywhere is that Tulsi Gabbard won the second Democrat Party debate for those comments.

At least on night two.

But when I looked at the other former Democrat Party candidates something struck me.

Eric Swalwell got thirteen Twitter "Follow" suggestions on August 10th.

He got four on his (@RepSwalwell) Twitter account and one on his (@EricSwalwell) Twitter account on July 28th.

The same thing could be said for Mike Gravel.

He never got on the debate stage but he got six Twitter "Follow" suggestions on August 10th.

Gravel didn't get any Twitter "Follow" suggestions on July 28th.

Again, this was after Swalwell and Gravel's campaigns were already suspended.

Swalwell's campaign ended on July 8th while Gravel's ended on August 6th.

So why show Twitter suggestions for either of these guys after their campaigns were suspended?


It doesn't make sense.

That's where Twitter's bias and censorship comes in.

And people should know that Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey has formally endorsed Tulsi Gabbard.

Gabbard has decided to sue Google for $50 million dollars for censoring her campaign ads shortly after the first Democratic debate in June 2019.

She also wants an injunction against Google where they will agree not to interfere in the 2020 presidential election.

Dorsey has also given money to Gabbard to fight Big Tech censorship which might be the most hypocritical thing ever as investigative journalist Laura Loomer has been permanently banned for speaking the truth and has been calling out Big Tech companies for censoring conservative and Republican voices and anybody else who desires to reveal the truth.

Swalwell is running for re-election and Gravel co-endorsed Sanders and Gabbard.

Oh, and Twitter had @TulsiGabbard as the top suggestion on the @TulsiPress Twitter account.

Still don't think Twitter's bias is real?

I'm going to list the Democrat Party candidates and how many Twitter suggestions they received on August 10th: Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) 3

Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) 6

Julian Castro (@JulianCastro) 10

Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) 8

Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarrris) 0

Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) 0

Kamala Harris total 0

Tim Ryan (@TimRyan) 1

Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) 2

Senator Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) 2

Bernie Sanders total 4

Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) 6

Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) 5

Elizabeth Warren total 11

Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) 4

Previous candidates:

Mike Gravel (@MikeGravel) 6

Jay Inslee (@JayInslee) 1

Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) 13

Potential candidate:

Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) 2

Not a candidate:

Barack Obama (@BarackObama) 13

Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) 3

*Cory Booker (@CoryBooker), Senator Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) and Barack Obama (@BarackObama) each gained one additional "Follow" suggestion from Twitter accounts that were not tracked on July 28th (as additional Twitter accounts were reviewed on August 10th).

Here are the Twitter suggestions on July 28th:

Michael Bennet (@SenatorBennet) 1

Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) 3

Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) 3

Steve Bullock (@GovernorBullock) 1

Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) 8

Julian Castro (@JulianCastro) 2

Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) 1

Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) 2

Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiPress) 1

Tulsi Gabbard total 3

Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) 15

Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) 3

Kamala Harris total 18

Amy Klobuchar (@AmyKlobuchar) 4

Amy Klobuchar (@SenAmyKlobuchar) 1

Amy Klobuchar total 5

Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) 3

Tim Ryan (@RepTimRyan) 1

Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) 1

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) 0

Bernie Sanders total 1

Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) 1

Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) 0

Elizabeth Warren total 1

Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) 1

Compare the August 10th results to July 28th when Mike Gravel was still a presidential candidate and Eric Swalwell was no longer a candidate.

Previous candidates:

Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) 4

John Hickenlooper (@Hickenlooper) 1

Jay Inslee (@JayInslee) 3

Jay Inslee (@GovInslee) 1

Jay Inslee total 4

Seth Moulton (@SethMoulton) 1

Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) 4

Eric Swalwell (@EricSwalwell) 1

Eric Swalwell total 5

Potential candidate:

Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) 1

Not a candidate:

Barack Obama (@BarackObama) 1

Barack Obama (@POTUS44) 3

Barack Obama total 4

Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) 4

John Delaney, Marianne Williamson and Tom Steyer had zero Twitter suggestions on either July 28th or August 10th.

However, Tom Steyer recently made the cut for the October Democrat Party debate.

Julian Castro (-8), Tulsi Gabbard (-5), Mike Gravel (-6), Eric Swalwell (-8) and Elizabeth Warren (-10) maybe should complain they didn't get more Twitter suggestions on July 28th compared to August 10th.

Gabbard didn't qualify for the September debate and hasn't qualified yet for the October debate.

Barack Obama (-9) maybe should complain he didn't get more Twitter suggestions on July 28th compared to August 10th.

Kamala Harris (-18) and Amy Klobuchar (-5) have a right to complain after not getting Twitter suggestions at all on August 10th.

Harris and Klobuchar have qualified for the September and October debates.

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