Big Tech companies and the, Facebook and Google PACs have given more than $5 million to C

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According to the Center for Responsive Politics ( website, based on data released by the FEC on November 21st, 2019, Big Tech companies have given more than $5.3 million dollars ($5,363,436) to Congressional and Presidential candidates in the 2020 election cycle.
More than $4.2 million ($4,268,936) is from Alphabet,, Apple, Facebook and Twitter and not from political action committees (PACs).
Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, has given $1,781,310.
Alphabet Inc. was founded on October 2nd, 2015. That was just a little more than four years ago. has given $1,339,377 to candidates.
They have already spent more money than any election cycle between 1998 and 2014. was founded on July 5th, 1994, and was previously named Cadabra Inc.
Alphabet and Amazon have given away more than $1.3 million dollars each.
Apple has given $552,004 while Facebook has given $520,577.
Those two companies have given away more than $520,000 each.
Apple has already spent more money for this election cycle than it did between any cycle between 1990 and 2014.
Apple Inc. was founded on April 1st, 1976.
Facebook has already spent more money in this election cycle than they did in any election cycle between 2006 and 2012. Soft organizations have already contributed $12,043.
When first audited Facebook in 2006, soft organizations have never contributed any money in any election cycle before now with any direct affiliation to Facebook.
Facebook was launched on February 4th, 2004.
Twitter has given $75,668.
They have spent more money in this election cycle than in 2008, 2012 and 2014. In 2010, there is no known number on Twitter's spending or data available on the website.
Twitter was founded on March 21st, 2006.
For Americans who work at Big Tech companies (or are affiliated with them) and are giving money to President Donald J. Trump's re-election campaign, Alphabet has given $3,322, has given $7,757, Apple has given $5,100 while Facebook has given $2,850.
Twitter has not given any money to Trump. To see how much money the Democratic Party presidential candidates and Donald Trump received from Big Tech from the October 16th FEC data, go to a previous article written on this website.
Political action committees have also given over $1 million ($1,094,500), to candidates.
Amazon PAC has given $588,500, Google PAC has given $398,500, and Facebook PAC has given $107,500.
From data released by the FEC on October 16th, 2019, the combined totals from Alphabet,, Apple, Facebook and Twitter and not from political action committees (PACs) totaled just over $4 million dollars ($4,073,811).
The last report on this website about Big Tech companies featured Alphabet,, Apple, Facebook, Twitter and the Google political action committee (PAC). From the October 16th data, the total amount given by all of those Big Tech companies was $4,448,811. From the most recent data from November 21st, the total amount given by all of those Big Tech companies was $4,667,436.
So those six companies gave more than $218,000 dollars between the October 16th and the November 21st FEC data reports.