COVID-19 vaccinated blood actually does murder people. Change my mind if it actually does not.

Pete Ricketts, governor of Nebraska (Photo credit:
By: Evan Troxel
This is the most important post you will ever read from me (or from anyone anytime in the near future) if I somehow die today or in the near future. And this post just might save your physical life someday from being shortened by many many years. If I save just one life by posting this story, it will be worth it. This post affects all people on Earth so I really would appreciate it if you would read this entire post. Also, this post affects all people on Earth and everyone needs to read it immediately. This entire post is 100% the truth unless I specifically specify that it is my opinion. There actually are many advantages to knowing the truth versus not knowing the truth. Not telling people the truth will actually cause them more harm. Many people in media have caused you a lot more harm than good by blatantly refusing to tell you the truth right now. I just don't know how people who work in media can hide the truth from all people any longer. If you cannot read this entire post, at least do the ethical, moral, good and right thing and DO NOT untag yourself from this post if I have mentioned you so that all of your Facebook friends can at least read what I have to say. In other words, don't censor what people can and cannot see from you. And if you still really feel that you have to untag yourself, well then, you should just plan on spending eternity in Hell someday. What I have to say is life changing and will save your physical life from a very very early physical death. The only people this post will not affect are the evil powers of this world who know the truth more than anybody else and who have power, control and influence in this world and will be the first ones thrown into Hell, the Lake of Fire, someday, since they are hypocrites and have lied to everyone. I really did not want to have to tag everyone in this post, but you haven't hit the "Like" or "Share" button on any of my posts or most of my posts, so basically you did not give me a choice. I really don't know how else to get this information out to people in a more effective way that will actually get your attention (and in a less demanding way and in a less mean way) and the world really needs to know about all of this information right now. I don't take any joy in sharing any of this information with you for those of you who think I am happy about angering, upsetting and making many people dislike me. I am sharing this information because the world hasn't given me a better choice. Sorry but I really am not sorry if you simply cannot do the good, moral, ethical and right thing and give me the unvaccinated blood that I really want if I have to go to the emergency room in an emergency situation. I still do not feel that I should be required to be forced (or have to) phone call my local hospital yet and tell them I want unvaccinated blood if I get put into an emergency situation. COVID-19 vaccinated blood murders people. My life is in danger to have my life shortened by 50+ years all because people in power, control and authority WHO COULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT don't want to do the good, ethical, moral and right thing to do. And that is basically why I am sharing everything in this post. So obviously blood from a COVID-19 vaccinated is not safe for anyone to receive at all under any circumstances whatsoever! Also, blood from an unvaccinated person who has received blood from a COVID-19 vaccinated person (since COVID-19 vaccines became available) are also not safe for anyone to receive ever again! EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO IS NOT DOING 100% THEIR BEST EFFORT TO ENSURE THAT NO ONE RECEIVES COVID-19 VACCINATED BLOOD EVER AGAIN FROM A COVID-19 VACCINATED PERSON (OR BLOOD FROM AN UNVACCINATED PERSON WHO HAS RECEIVED BLOOD FROM A COVID-19 VACCINATED PERSON EVER AGAIN EVER SINCE COVID-19 VACCINES BECAME AVAILABLE) ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! So who is guilty of murdering people with COVID-19 vaccinated blood? Doctors, nurses and medical people are guilty of murdering people. The American Red Cross and any blood banks out there in the world are guilty of murdering people. People who oversee the staff of people who work at hospitals are guilty of murdering people. People who oversee the staff of people who work at hospitals are guilty of murdering people. Law enforcement officers who know everything I have said and will still say in this post are guilty of murdering people. The bosses of law enforcement officers are guilty of murdering people. The extremely feckless people who work at the local, county, region, state and national level who work in all levels of government and have chosen NOT TO go to the highest effort possible of ensuring that a five year old who is involved in a car crash and has to go to the emergency room DOES NOT RECEIVE COVID-19 vaccinated blood are guilty of murdering people! The extremely lazy and extremely feckless people who call themselves "Christians" or anyone who is anti-COVID-19 vaccine or anyone who is anti-vaccine of any kind (regardless of your political party preference) who works in the Nebraska Legislature (or who works for people who work in the Nebraska Legislature) and haven't went to the greatest heights possible yet to ensure that no one receives COVID-19 vaccinated blood (and the COVID-19 vaccines) EVER AGAIN ARE GUILTY of murdering people! If people who agree with me and who work in the Nebraska Legislature (or who work for the people in the Nebraska Legislature) are STILL NOT demanding the immediate arrests (and perhaps the immediate executions) of all of their colleagues in the Nebraska Legislature who are pro-COVID-19 vaccines and who are pro-COVID-19 vaccinated blood and those people are STIL STONEWALLING your legislation (if that's what it takes, which I think it does at this point), then those people who agree with me are guilty of murdering anyone who receives COVID-19 vaccinated blood and the COVID-19 vaccines. If you are a Republican, conservative and/or Christian in the Nebraska Legislature (or if you work for people who work in the Nebraska Legislature) and you are anti-COVID-19 vaccines and you are anti-vaccines for anything and you are against people receiving blood from a COVID-19 vaccinated person and you think it is NOT OK politically to immediately arrest anyone who works in the Nebraska Legislature (or who works for anyone who works in the Nebraska Legislature) and those people are pro-COVID-19 vaccines and are in favor of people receiving COVID-19 vaccinated blood, you are VERY MUCH A BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM and YOU ARE GUILTY of murdering people.
Anyone who is anti-COVID-19 vaccines and anyone who is anti-vaccines for anything, and who does not do everything possible to try to arrest immediately and/or execute immediately anyone who is pro-COVID-19 vaccines and who is for giving COVID-19 vaccinated blood to people, who is stopping and stonewalling anyone who is against COVID-19 vaccines and who is against giving COVID-19 vaccinated blood to people and who actually wants to do the good, ethical, moral and right thing, are guilty of murdering people. So I think people get the point. I hope people get the point. Does anyone really believe that God and Jesus Christ will not hold you accountable for this extreme fecklessness and extreme laziness (and not liking or sharing all of or most of my Facebook and social media posts)? I didn't think so. Obviously, if you still haven't figured it out yet, the COVID-19 vaccines are going to kill 95% of the world's population very soon. In other words, millions of people. Billions of people. The percentage possibly could be even much higher than 95%. I could tell you how soon 95% of the world's population will die, but let's just say it will be a lot sooner than you currently believe. Don't doubt me at all about that folks. And don't doubt that percentage either. Hopefully that percentage is lower, but it probably won't be. All of these people who still think the COVID-19 vaccines are "safe" (when they obviously are not), are the first people who need to be arrested immediately and executed immediately! And these people who have vaccinated their dog or cat or any other animal with the COVID-19 vaccines are the very first people who absolutely need to be immediately arrested and immediately executed as soon as possible! Pete Ricketts, the governor of Nebraska, thinks it is OK and ETHICAL to give COVID-19 vaccinated blood to people. If people really don't believe me, I was in the same room as him one day this year with many other people and he said it straight to my face. That is his current position on the topic from everything I have heard and seen and read since that day. For reporting purposes, I believe Ricketts said, don't quote me on this (you can quote what I say in this post but don't quote me saying that Pete Ricketts actually said this, I hope to provide a real quote from Pete Ricketts in the future), that he has never heard that COVID-19 vaccinated blood kills people or is extremely dangerous to people. You have got to be kidding me. The governor of Nebraska, has never heard of this? A Republican governor. Maybe a conservative governor. There are somewhere around a million people who live in Nebraska. Really? He is so insulated from criticism and the truth (whatever the truth is) that he has not heard of this? You have got to be kidding me. That cannot possibly be the truth and if it is, much or most of the state of Nebraska is pretty much screwed. If he hasn't heard from one person in Nebraska who is a Republican or a conservative or a Christian yet that COVID-19 vaccinated blood kills people or is dangerous until I asked him about that, many or most (or maybe all) people in leadership in the state of Nebraska absolutely do not know the truth and therefore and ultimately cannot be 100% trusted anymore for anything at all! In other words, these people are compromised and have been lied to (or lied to other people themselves). According to media reports, Pete Ricketts has received the COVID-19 vaccine(s). So I actually won't be surprised if Pete Ricketts actually physically dies (or has permanent health problems sometime in the future, like diabetes for instance) in the short-term future. It is NOT ETHICAL TO GIVE COVID-19 VACCINATED BLOOD TO PEOPLE...AT ALL! Giving COVID-19 vaccinated blood to people will kill people much faster than if people simply receive unvaccinated blood. So what's the real problem? The problem obviously is you are going to die if you really need blood from an unvaccinated person and you cannot get it. Sure, you could maybe survive longer if you receive COVID-19 vaccinated blood instead of unvaccinated blood, but you are PERMANENTLY POISIONED and YOU WILL DIE in the short-term future if you ever receive blood from a COVID-19 vaccinated person. YOU ARE NOT PERMANENTLY POISONED from COVID-19 vaccinated blood for the rest of your life if you receive unvaccinated blood. That's the difference! I also won't be surprised if all of us find out someday that the COVID-19 vaccines are on or in the needles that get put into your body when you donate blood. That is exclusively my opinion. The evil powers of this world cannot control you if you are not injected with a vaccine or anything. Also, if you are COVID-19 vaccinated, you should never donate blood again or organs, or kidneys or a heart or anything else you could possibly donate to anyone ever again because if you give them something that is yours, you are just killing that person in the long-term. For the COVID-19 vaccinated crowd, many people who are unvaccinated have chosen not to donate blood until people forever stop receiving blood from a COVID-19 vaccinated person. So most or all blood from your local hospital is likely COVID-19 vaccinated blood that WILL KILL YOU in the short term. It also scares me to death that I have perhaps already eaten food from an animal who was injected with the COVID-19 vaccines! Am I ACTUALLY GOING TO DIE in the short-term future? I really don't know. So the basic point is that food safety is extremely important.
My final plea is this. Please fight for me. Because when you fight for me, you are fighting for everyone who really wants to do the good, ethical, moral and right thing on Earth.
I really wanted all of you to know all of this information I wrote so I will be providing Internet Links below relevant to this story for people who demand more “proof”. So please check back in the near future if I don’t get a chance to publish it today. If I really am so wrong about anything in this story someday, I will correct it. (This is extremely important if you have received the COVID-19 vaccine or you are a doctor trying to help someone out, and not kill that person sooner, who has received the COVID-19 vaccine).