Barack Obama is a terrorist to the entire world; Pope Francis supports Islam; George Soros shouldn&#

(Source:; Barack Obama)
Barack Obama is a terrorist to the interests of peace and tranquility in the world.
Barack Obama should have been arrested by the United States government a long time ago.
But he isn’t.
You know why?
Because Republicans have made plenty of excuses.
They want to find all the evidence that they can on him before convicting him because for some stupid reason they believe enough Democrats will come forward to tell the truth.
And they just don’t want to look bad.
Or lose anything at all.
That’s not a question mark really.
That’s a statement.
What a joke!
And an embarrassment to justice in the United States of America!
The Republicans are better than this and they know it!
Anyone with a brain that actually works knows that most Democrats today are hardcore leftists.
Not liberals.
And these leftists aren’t going to tell the truth.
Because the truth is, they love Obama.
They want him to be King.
No one should be allowed to have that much power.
Yet, Obama effectively does.
With the Democrats.
And with the way CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, ABC News, CBS News, PBS News and many other outlets or any so-called “news” outlet besides Fox News and Infowars characterizes Obama, he is God.
According to those so-called “news outlets” (which none of them are newsworthy), he is the greatest thing ever.
I also think it is pretty low how little many people know about him.
Mike Zullo, the investigator from Maricopa County Arizona of Obama’s birth certificate, has effectively proved, without proving anything other than Obama’s “birth certificate” is a fraudulent document, that whoever created that fraudulent document is a liar.
He researched every detail of that document.
And the way the protocols and the way things were done in the early 1960s (when Obama was supposedly born) with birth certificates.
He showed many inconsistencies on that document.
Are you really going to ignore that?
And call what Mike Zullo did as political? That’s really low. And that’s pathetic.
As a law enforcement official, you aren’t allowed to lie.
Would Democrats have said the same thing about Zullo if he were a Democrat and called it “political”? Or even just against the interests of Obama?
In the current political landscape, I think that’s likely.
Hard-core leftists likely would have thrown Zullo overboard even if he were a Democrat.
His life would be ruined.
His life would be ruined, maybe more than it is now, as a Republican. Just think about that.
People who know where Obama was born have said he wasn’t born in the United States. And I want to believe those sources are telling the truth.
But mark these words from me:
I am not saying Obama was born outside the United States.
I am not saying Obama was born in the United States.
I am not saying an opinion on anything about where Obama was born at.
Form your own truths and opinions.
Whether anybody wants to admit it or not, I read the following in a well-known tabloid magazine, so who knows if it’s even true, Obama likely faked Osama Bin Laden’s death so that Bin Laden’s son could hate the United States of America over his father’s death and also just because America is a Christian nation.
And just so Obama could get re-elected.
And Obama wants Christians to die (I’ll explain, later).
That’s really low. And that’s pathetic.
Bin Laden is at Guantanamo Bay.
Guess what Obama wanted to do?
Everyone who’s paid even a little bit of attention to politics knows this.
Close down Guantanamo Bay.
That would mean that criminals and terrorists would be put into jails that could be overcrowded all over America.
But would the Democrats really do that? Would they really put criminals and terrorists in American jails? Or would they just let them go?
Since Democrats currently don’t want a border wall along the United States-Mexico border. Hmm. It makes you think.
Can you imagine, if an American jail just decided to let go of Bin Laden, by accident?
Like in California.
Lower the standards of certain crimes.
By lowering the standards, some crimes that should keep people in jail would be able to get out of jail.
Calling what used to be a felony, a misdemeanor.
What if the United States government formed a fake profile for Osama Bin Laden, saying he is somebody else?
What if that happened?
Are you going to be outraged?
Or are you going to do nothing?
And that’s assuming Osama Bin Laden and many of these terrorists and criminals who are supposedly dead are still alive.
Have you seen a body of Osama Bin Laden?
Because I haven’t.
I don’t recall seeing one.
Or is Bin Laden really buried somewhere in the sea?
And I’ve also heard Obama was responsible for the migrant crisis over in Europe in August/September 2015 where migrants went from African and Middle Eastern nations to Europe to seek asylum from actual terrorists.
Because their houses were being destroyed.
And there was nowhere safe to go.
And it has been reported that many of the Muslim/Islamic terrorists, went along with the asylum seekers to get into European countries like Germany.
Germany is going to suffer again.
Like in World War II. (That’s not an opinion. It’s going to be a fact.)
And it sounds like Obama is likely a key component in getting many illegal immigrants into the United States across the United States-Mexican border.
It also needs to be mentioned that Mexico is one of the 50 most dangerous countries for Christians in the world.
No wonder why President Trump, a Presbyterian, which I’m assuming is a Christian, wants a border wall!
Because the truth is, the Democrat Party is effectively over.
So the Democrats have to use illegal immigrants as their voting bloc.
Because Democrats don’t want to look bad.
And certain states like California who promote voter fraud probably should be losing Electoral College votes to other states because they are trying to pump up their population with illegal immigrants to affect national elections.
Many Americans who used to vote Democrat won’t be voting Democrat ever again.
They will be voting Republican in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The rust belt states. And likely in Florida as well. And perhaps states that have voted Republican in the past might vote Republican in 2020 as well. Like Nevada, Colorado, Iowa and Virginia.
If Nevada, Colorado, Iowa and Virginia all or mostly vote Republican, you will know that Donald Trump is truly Making America Great Again.
Indiana and North Carolina I think are locks to vote Republican in 2020. In four out of the last five Presidential Elections, they have voted Republican.
I think Iowa is going to vote Republican in 2020. The last time Iowa didn’t vote for the President was in the 2000 Election. Iowa won’t be a major swing state unless something crazy happens.
I think the Democrats might get a few of the major swing states or one major swing state because of their hatred for Donald Trump in 2020.
Ohio and Florida have voted for whoever has become President the last five elections. I think they are going to support Donald Trump in 2020, but regardless, they likely are going to elect our next President in 2020. These are major swing states.
Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania could vote Democrat in 2020. But I think they are going to support the Republican Party nominee. These are major swing states.
Maine will likely get one Electoral College Republican vote, but it will largely probably be Democrat. Donald Trump got one Electoral College vote in 2016 from Maine.
Nevada, Colorado and Virginia are likely lost to the Democrats. They voted for George W. Bush twice and haven’t voted Republican since.
New Mexico might be a Democrat state now. They last voted Republican in 2004 and voted for Democrat Al Gore in 2000.
New Hampshire will likely be a Democrat vote, unless their voter fraud gets well exposed by Project Veritas. New Hampshire voted for George W. Bush in the year 2000.
Donald Trump will win in 2020 with a fair fight.
Billionaire George Soros is also throwing money around to get migrants from Mexico, Central and South America into the United States. And people with a lot of money like Soros are telling these migrants that they will get everything in America for free.
I’ve heard the Mark of the Beast (like in the Bible) is in China right now. It is in certain countries in Europe right now. I’ve even heard its right here in the United States right now.
If you don’t know about the Mark of the Beast, you need to go learn about it from the Bible. Go learn about the number 666 as well.
Tomi Lahren shared this story with her social media following on Wednesday (yesterday) about how the Chinese are offering money to people who report Christians in China:
Pope Francis is a communist. The sex crimes meeting the Pope had back in late February wasn’t a summit on getting serious about sex crimes. It was a total sham! Despite what the national media outlets will tell you. Independent and alternative news outlets are more likely going to tell you the truth. And that is why they are so important now more than ever.
And this Pope needs to resign because of his handling of sex crimes in the Catholic Church alone! But he won't. Just watch!
This Pope thinks he can get away with a lot because he speaks Latin and a lot of people don’t speak or interpret Latin.
The current and last Catholic Church Pope is going to Hell because he doesn’t know his Bible and doesn’t even believe that there is a Hell. He also thinks it is moral, ethical and right for Muslims to kill Christians. Pope Francis supports Islam. This Pope wants Islam to thrive! Is Islam something the Pope should be endorsing? Is that evil?
Why will Pope Francis be the last Pope? Because it is literal prophecy within the Catholic Church.
How do I know that? Because of Jack Van Impe.
This might also be attached to Pope Francis or another prominent person: I have also heard he wants everyone to be forced to worship on Sundays and that is to worship him (Pope Francis) and not God, but he wants you to think you are supposed to worship God.
I’ve read the United States Congress wants to force a religious law down our throats. I’m confident Barack Obama and definitely Pope Francis have something to do with this. They want to know where you attend your religious services at. Then create a profile, a social score on you. If you score well, you will be fine and not be terrorized by them. But if you score poorly, you likely are seeking the truth in my humble opinion and will probably be killed by them for it. They will force you to starve if you score poorly and you likely won’t be able to buy anything either.
Don’t believe me?
Just go ask the National Rifle Association about social scores. Democrats want to not sell you a firearm if you have a low social score and not even do business with you. At all.
Barack Obama is a Muslim. That is not an opinion. That is a fact.
I want to make one thing clear: I am not stating below whether I think Barack Obama is gay, homosexual or LGBTQ or not.
Some people, most of those people who are likely Republicans, probably think Obama is gay, homosexual or LGBTQ.
Joan Rivers said Barack’s “wife” Michelle Obama is a man.
If that’s true, that means Michelle is likely gay. A homosexual. A member of the LGBTQ community.
And I’ve heard Michelle is making a lot of money from Barack’s political success. That’s part of the deal as to why they are married.
Which likely means Barack could or would be gay too.
And I believe Joan Rivers probably got murdered for saying Michelle is a man. That’s probably one of the major reasons why Donald Trump ran for President.
Because Donald knew that good people like Joan Rivers couldn’t keep getting innocently murdered like this.
Joan Rivers had a medical issue. She went to her doctor’s appointment and the short version is the process for fixing it went totally haywire according to experts in that particular job field.
Obama’s political stance was that he said he would stand up for gay rights.
From what I know now, I don’t think he stood up for gay rights very well. And I don’t really know much about this topic. So you can dispute your opinion with me about this.
All while Obama saying, he is a Christian.
And yet Christianity condemns a homosexual lifestyle.
And yet there are gays, homosexuals and LGBTQ people who love President Trump but don’t like the Democrats anymore. Like for instance, Trump supporter Scott Presler.
And yet, the Muslim faith says that all homosexuals must die.
They must be killed.
And I just told you that Obama is a Muslim.
And yet we all know Obama just says and does certain things because he doesn’t want to die or be killed.
If it’s true Obama is gay, shouldn’t Obama be killed? According to the Muslim faith, Obama should be killed.
Is that why he doesn’t go to Islamic Muslim countries?
Is that why he has a place, a refuge, in New Zealand? To avoid being arrested in the United States?
I have said Obama is a Muslim. That means he wants Christians to die.
And what he and the media are doing is to make sure the death of many Christians isn’t attached to him.
Yet, when the truth gets revealed, I think it is all going to attach back to him.
When are hardcore Obama supporters and Democrats going to accept the fact that they shouldn’t agree with Obama’s political policies 100%? And yet they still do. I’m talking from a moral and ethical standpoint. And that’s even before we get to a political standpoint.
Obama supports Internet censorship to advance all of his political agendas, much of which you Obama supporters don’t even know what political agendas he really supports. If you Obama supporters knew the truth of many of Obama’s political agendas, you wouldn’t support it. How can many of you Obama supporters look into your grandparents’ faces or your friend’s grandparents or your classmate’s grandparents and say you support this man, Barack Hussein Obama?
Obama relies on your ignorance and stupidity. Obama wants Sharia law. He wants lawlessness to reign. Obama supports taking away people’s guns so they can’t defend themselves from terrorists and criminals (that’s what he wants).
Obama I believe is going to go down as one of the worst people in world history.
And one of the only ways freedom will remain intact is if the First and Second Amendments to the United States Constitution remain intact. The rule of law.
When are hardcore Obama supporters going to accept the fact that Republicans don’t even give Obama anywhere close to a 100% chance to be a 100% perfect politician and/or person?
When are hardcore Obama supporters going to accept the fact that he isn’t perfect? But Democrats will say, “but of course, everyone isn’t perfect.” But Obama supporters embrace him that way, like he is the greatest thing ever. The truth is Obama supporters and any hardcore Democrat by acknowledging that they think Obama is the greatest thing ever, need to look themselves in the mirror and ask themselves that maybe they are lying to themselves and he actually is the worst thing ever?
When are hardcore Obama supporters going to accept the fact that by continuing to follow and embrace him they are actually hurting their short-term and long-term futures? The short-term futures would be the seemingly small inconsequential day-to-day choices. The long-term future being a future in Heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior or at least a long life lived if not in Heaven.
Barack Obama is probably going to Hell because he intentionally allowed many U.S. veterans to die because they couldn’t get help or treatment at V.A. Hospitals.
The Democrat Party and Barack Obama also think it is OK for young women to abort or kill their unborn babies. The truth is, many young women just don’t want to accept the consequences of having a baby.
Barack Obama also sold out the United States of America by sending $400 million dollars of cash on pallets to Iran (as part of the first payment installment of a $1.7 billion dollar deal). Five Americans were ultimately released by Iran in January 2016. Some sources may say four Americans because it was an earlier story; or, they didn’t read an updated story or check their facts; but in the end, it was five Americans.
According to Politifact, the U.S. State Department announced that it is giving $1.3 billion of that $1.7 billion for interest purposes.
According to the Washington Times, the Obama White House released seven Iranians and dropped extradition proceedings against another 14 in exchange for the four jailed Americans.
According to Politifact, the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal (located at the Hague) addressed claims from
private individuals, including 4,700 now-resolved U.S. claims filed against the Government of Iran.
According to Politifact, in 2011, Gary Samone noted that the nation of Oman paid Iran $1 million on the United States’ behalf for the release of two American hikers who had been jailed in Iran for two years.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, Secretary of State John Kerry said money from the Iran deal could end up in the hands of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. "I think that some of [the $55 billion] will end up in the hands of the IRGC or of other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists," Kerry said.
Kerry is admitting the United States gave money to terrorists.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, the $1.7 billion dollar settlement “was reached independently from the recently implemented nuclear deal and is separate from the $150 billion in unfrozen cash assets the United States is obligated to give to the Islamic Republic under the agreement, administration officials explained to the Free Beacon.”
Even admitted the following: “The fact that the money was physically sent to Iran in various currencies rather than simply transferred by wire may seem odd in the context of the United States’ increasingly cashless society, but that was done in order to avoid existing Treasury Department sanctions that banned the use of American currency in transactions with Iran, and international sanctions which at that time kept Iran from accessing the global financial markets (and which were lifted in January 2016).”
Call it what you want, but the facts are that the United States still gave Iran all this money. And we’re supposed to sit here and say it wasn’t a ransom when all of this money was given away!?
The Obama Administration literally broke the law. If they didn’t, why couldn’t they have just sent it with one currency instead of many currencies?
And does anybody really think the Obama Administration sent Iran a bunch of $1 bills or pennies from other currencies to screw the Iranians over and make them count it out? Doubtful.
According to POLITICSUSUSA, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the following at a January 19th, 2016, press conference: “Now, the reason that this ends up being a very good deal for taxpayers is that our exposure, when it came to paying interest, could have been much higher. The Iranians were actually seeking $7 billion to $8 billion in interest payments. And I think that’s an indication of how the interests of taxpayers were very well served by reaching this settlement.”
How can giving away any money to Iran, a nation that isn’t one of America’s allies, be a good thing?
Also, according to “If the issue had gone to the tribunal for a decision, as was expected, the U.S. could have been on the hook for the full $10 billion in compensation Iran was seeking.”
Perhaps Iran would have sought even more than $10 billion, if they would have got the $10 billion.
In 2014, according to Wikipedia, five Taliban detainees held by the United States at Guantanamo Bay detention camp were sent to the Persian Gulf state of Qatar. The Taliban rejected U.S. conditions that the released Taliban prisoners would not slip away and re-emerge as military leaders. Ultimately, the United States agreed to release the prisoners in exchange for American Bowe Bergdahl on May 31st, 2014.
Obama wants you to think Bergdahl is a good person just because he is an American. The truth is this American, Beaudry Robert “Bowe” Bergdahl, was a deserter and a traitor to the United States. This deserter disappeared and it put members of the U.S. military in harms’ way.
Obama violated U.S. laws by giving money for the release of United States prisoners as part of a ransom agreement. For this reason alone, Obama should be in jail. This is also why Christianity needs to be taught in the United States again and Christians should be willing to die for their faith. Terrorists should not be given money, period.
These are the reasons why Obama needs to be arrested. And there are so many other reasons. He is a danger to the world. And he needs to be called out on it.
The puzzle pieces are coming together.
Donald Trump needs to stand strong and build the border wall.